Salvador Dali, Sleep 1937
Salvador Dali, Metamorphosis of Narcissus (1937)
Salvador Dali, Invisible Afghan with the Apparition on the Beach of the Face of Garcia Lorca in the Form of a Fruit Dish with Three Figs (1938)
Salvador Dali, Bacchanale (1939)
Salvador Dali, The Three Sphinxes of Bikini (1947)
Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory (1931)
Rene Magritte Panorama Populaire (1926)
Rene Magritte, The Secret Player (1927)
Rene Magritte The Human Condition (1933)
Rene Magritte Time Transfixed 1938
Rene Magritte Not to be Reproduced 1937
Rene Magritte, The Month of the Grape Harvest (1959)
Rene Magritte, Personal Values (1952)
Mark Tansey, Action Painting II (1984)
Man Ray, Gaze 4