Colonial America People and Geography
Virginia and the South Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia
1. Geography Piedmont – flat plain from foot of Appalachian Mountains Tidewater – along coast; south from Chesapeake Bay
-Tobacco, indigo, rice planted by natives, colonists -Rich soil, good for farming -Tobacco, indigo, rice planted by natives, colonists
swampy in lowlands hot, humid
-rivers = wide, flat, predictable
- Overland transportation is difficult muddy and wet in spring, summer
VIRGINIA and the SOUTH Why would anyone want to settle in the South? Review Questions Why would anyone want to settle in the South? What advantages did farmers of the South enjoy? Why did slavery develop there?
New England New Hampshire Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island (part of Massachusetts) New Hampshire Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island
1. Geography - rocky soil -dense forests
- long winters, short summers -mountainous -numerous lakes - long winters, short summers
-Rivers are difficult to navigate …but can be used for energy
-must use ROADS (not rivers) to travel and trade
New England Review Why settle in New England? What advantages did New Englanders have? What opportunities were there for economic success?
The Middle Colonies New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware
Geography -mild climate, rich soil
-Surplus crops grown for trade wheat, barley, rye
-Narrower lowlands than in South (Piedmont starts further east)
-coal & iron deposits in Appalachian Mountains
Review Why settle in this region? What advantages did this region have? What opportunities were there for economic success?