Strict rules on religion and politics English people wanted freedom I) Multiple explorers around the world II) King James I New English King Strict rules on religion and politics English people wanted freedom III) Virginia Company of London Two wealthy groups of nobles form company Granted charter, land in “Jamestown,” Virginia in 1607
Focus on money more than crops John Smith: leadership role, improve colony Settlers still want to leave As leaving, more ships come Three important changes Lord Delaware become governor John Rolfe plants tobacco Rolfe marries Pocahontas Developments General Assembly: Meet to make laws Bring women over Dutch sell 20 Africans to colonists
I) French and Indian War 1754-1763
The War - Fighting for Ohio River Valley - British ask colonies to help fight - French gain edge, British cut off supplies/soldiers to America - Iroquois realize British will win, switch sides/convince to stop - French lose support, sign treaty Post French And Indian War -Britain needs money (war is expensive) -Begins to tax colonists -Britain’s argument: Part of country, pay like others -Colonists’ argument: fought war, earned; not really a part
Partner Discussion Who is correct: The British (who think the colonists should pay taxes because they are a part of the country) or the colonists (who think they’ve paid their debt by fighting in the war and shouldn’t have to pay because they are not really involved in the British government)?
The Taxing of the Frustrated Colonies
I) Royal proclamation of 1763 A) No settlers past Appalachians B) Stabilize relations II) Stamp Act of 1765 A) Direct tax B) Stamp Act Congress: first joint colonial response III) Townshend Acts of 1767 (Charles Townshend) A) Raise governor salaries, gain allegiance, punish colonists B) Colonists resists, Britain occupy Boston - IV) Boston Massacre (Incident on King Street) March 5, 1770 V) The Tea Act 1773 A) Help British East India Company B) Boston Tea Party VI) Intolerable Acts (1774)- Punishment for Boston Tea Party
Colonists’ Argument: “No Taxation without Representation” What does it mean? Essentially: Government can not levy taxes on people who are not represented in the government Colonists Taxed by people making laws half a world away Have no voice to explain side/fight for them
The Revolution Begins
I) The Fighting a) Colonists: untrained b) British: strongest Army/Navy c) Sneak attacks & strategic victories II) Congress Takes Action a) Committee meets to unite colonies b) Sends group to ask other countries for help III) New York/New Jersey: strategic importance a) British attack, capture; Washington retreats b) Washington surprise attack on December 25 b) Cross icy Delaware river c) Attack and recapture New Jersey
The Revolutionary War Ends
The Second Battle of Saratoga British miscommunication No support, American victory Convinces French that US can win d) Momentum shift for US II) Yorktown a) French defeat British Navy at Battle of Chesapeake b) Support in Great Britain dwindles c) Treaty of Paris
Post Revolutionary War
Articles of Confederation (1777, 1781) -Colonists fearful of strong central government -Too weak to enforce laws in new nation Constitutional Convention (1787) -James Madison’s Virginia Plan: Outline for gov’t -Delegates compromise to create government Hi Ratifying Constitution -Bill of Rights: Protect liberties; added to ensure ratification -Federalists: wanted Constitution ratified -Anti-Federalists: oppose strong central government over states -Eventually all colonies ratify constitution