Expectations Self-discipline Online courses are not easier than face-to-face courses and take time and commitment to stay on track. In an accelerated 8-week course, whether the course is online or face-to-face, you can expect to spend anywhere from 12-18 hours/week on a single course, depending on your skill set. Though you will not be logged in at the same time as your classmates or your instructor, you are expected to submit all assignments before the instructor’s due date.
Self-Motivation Expectations While online courses offer a flexible environment, they are not an independent study course. A student may not have to see the instructor once/twice a week, but an online student must be responsible, committed and motivated. It is up to you to take the initiative to contact your instructor, do further research on topics, and use further resources for additional help. For University resources please refer to the University Resources link on the MSOM website.
Have high speed internet? Expectations Have high speed internet? Yes! Online courses are technologically driven, so high-speed, reliable internet is a must. Please refer to the Technology Tips page under the Academics tab, under Current Student menu on the MSOM website to ensure you are aware of technical expectations.