Perspective Art
What is perspective? True understanding of the relative importance of things; a sense of proportion The art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression and position when viewed from a particular point.
Why does perspective matter? Whether it be in Social Studies, in Language Arts, drawing, or just in life, understanding how perspective affects the way we see and understand things is an important skill
“I can…” I can explain perspective and represent it visually using skills that I’ve learned.
What do we need to know? What is a horizon line? What is a vanishing point? What does a horizontal line look like compared to a vertical line? What does an angled line look like?
Inclusive learning Access Point: I can explain what visual perspective is and represent it. Level 1: I can draw a simple building using 2-point perspective. Level 2: I can draw multiple buildings using 2-point perspective and limited detail. Level 3: I can draw a simple cityscape using 2-point perspective and limited detail.