Native Americans & The Colonies
Puritans seeking religious freedom Write the Mayflower Compact – 1st written government Intolerant of others Powhatan in Virginia Many die from European diseases Different views on land ownership Get along better with French in Canada Settled by Dutch & Germans Quakers in PA & Huguenots & Jews in NY Religious toleration & middle class Good relations with Indians Jamestown – 1st permanent English colony Established by the Virginia Company Settled by English cavaliers looking to make money Strong ties to England
Athenian direct democracy with Town hall meetings Democratic principals House of Burgesses – elected assembly Middle Passage to America Tobacco/cotton are labor intensive crops on plantations Replace Indentured Servants as labor force Evangelical Revival across the colonies in 1700’s Jonathan Edwards – famous preacher Methodists and Baptists and challenge order. Lays social foundations for the American Revolution