H->ZZ->4l update 10/02/08
Current Status Samples used: This was the first run through analysis chain from the cms note http://cms.cern.ch/iCMS/jsp/openfile.jsp?tp=draft&files=AN2008_050_v3.pdf Samples used: Hzz150 pythia Z’s forced to e, mu, tau’s Inlcuded 4e, 4mu enhancement X section * BR = 0.01120 pb ZZ (qq->ZZ->4l, s + t channel), comphep Z’s forced to e, mu, tau Used a m4l dependent K factor Xsection * BR = 0.131 pb Ttbar TopRex Tt->WWbb; W -> e, mu, tau; b-> freely Xsection * BR = 2.51 pb Zbb Comphep Z-> e, mu, tau; b->freely Filter: 4 (e/mu w/pt > 2 and |eta| < 2.7)
Signal Fid Efficiency My version of Figure 3: Den = h->ZZ->(4e, 4, or 2e2 inclusive) Num = h->ZZ->(4e, 4, or 2e2 exclusive with || < 2.5)
Efficiency for Presel Cuts Combine figure 13 and 14 Various cuts for the preselection HLT (set to one for now) Skim ( 2 l’s with pT > 10 and 1 w/pT > 5) Two l+l- pairs Two pairs ml+l- > 12 for both m4l > 100 Isolation requirement (e’s only)
#’s for Presel Cuts (4 mu channel) zz tt zbb HLT 1 skim 3 leps 0.987 0.978 0.983 0.862 4 mu sel 0.83 0.861 2 M2mu > 12 0.869 0.84 m4l > 100 0.828 0.849 0.777 0.683 loose iso 0.818 = # passing fid cut and passes cut (1-6) / # passing fid cut Fid Cut: 4 leps (2e2mu, 4e, 4mu w/status=1) for signal same with |eta| < 2.5 for zz same with |eta| < 2.5 and pt > 2 for ttbar, zbb
Presel Kinematics -- lepton pT
Presel Kinematics -- lepton pT
Presel kinematics -- m2l Blue = ml+l- closest to mZ, red = the other ml+l-
Presel kinematics -- m2l
Presel kinematics -- m4l
Presel kinematics -- m4l
Presel m4l Stacked: normalized to xsection
Event Selection We implemented the same cuts for selection (with our variables) The numbers of events expected for 1 fb-1
Efficiency for Selection Cuts
Selection Kinematics -- lepton pT
Selection Kinematics -- lepton pT
Selection kinematics -- m2l Blue = ml+l- closest to mZ, red = the other ml+l-
Selection kinematics -- m2l
Selection kinematics -- m4l (norm to xsection)
Selection kinematics -- m4l (norm to xsection)
Selection kinematics -- m4l (norm to xsection)
M4l Stacked: normalized to xsection