Your mission: Mr. Hamlin and a group of volcanologists invite you to be their research assistant on a round-the-world expedition. You agree in a heartbeat. Your duty: Follow the “Expedition Route” and explore to complete your field journal.
History The word 'volcano' comes from the little island of Vulcano in the Mediterranean Sea off Sicily, just south of Italy. Centuries ago, the people living in this area believed that Vulcan - the blacksmith of the Roman gods-caused volcanic activity in this region of the world.
Seismometers measure how much the ground shakes Tools of the Trade… Seismometers measure how much the ground shakes Global Positioning System (GPS) to tell you where you are and what elavaton you are at
Basic facts… Volcanoes are always erupting somewhere on Earth! On average, 20 volcanoes are erupting at any moment! It is possible for lava to shoot anywhere from 300 to 600 meters above an erupting volcano! *Do you see any patterns to where the volcanoes are located? Click on the map, and do the Animated Guide to volcanoes.
Course Objectives
We made it!! Time to explore!
Welcome to Asia!
Mt. Fuji Our guide just told us that this volcano has erupted about 63 times in the past 9,000 years! Wow! After a long day of hiking, we are now ready for some delicious Japanese cuisine. Tomorrow we head to Iceland.
Course Objectives
Arriving in Iceland…
Iceland is home to many volcanoes!
Tourists we met in Iceland…. *What is to our left, and what is to our right? Hint: What type of plate boundary does Iceland sit on?
Facts we learned on our tour: Iceland has many volcanoes The Mid-Atlantic Ridge runs through Iceland This country sits on a divergent plate boundary The North American plate is moving to the west, and the Eurasian plate is moving east
Our last night in Iceland we stay at the Hotel Ranga and get a beautiful view of the Northern Lights! *Remember what causes the Northern Lights? Hint: Think of Earth’s outer core….
Tomorrow it is off to a very important conference in Central America
Course Objectives
The Geology Conference This woman is very frustrated about the difficulty of preventing volcanic damage in her country She wants to figure out which locations are at the highest risk She is hoping that her country is able to determine what roads make the best evacuation routes
Are volcanoes beneficial?
You receive email from a volcanologist and find out the following about volcanoes: Create fertile soil Habitats for a variety of species Beautiful landscapes Valuable minerals Create new land and islands Provide geothermal energy Great for tourism!
Course Objectives
Home Sweet Home!
I want to be a volcanologist… College Major: Geology Very important you take math and science classes in high school You can possibly earn an average of $90, 890 per year Some higher paid volcanologists make around $187, 200 Most of these scientists work for different levels of government, universities, and private research institutes You get to travel the world and see amazing things!
What colleges are the best for studying volcanology? University of Alaska, Fairbanks Oregon State University of Hawaii University of Washington *Most colleges and universities offer a variety of geology programs. These universities were ranked as the Top 4 in the United States for volcanology. (Source: www.quora.com)
Extra Credit For extra credit, you create your own 3 day volcano adventure using Power Point. *Your adventure should include the following: 3 volcanoes and where they are located 3 facts about each volcano The cultural impact that volcano has on each area In addition to the volcano, come up with one fun thing to do in each location. (Ex. Sites to see, places to eat, sleep, fun things to do, etc.) Include maps and photos of where you go A works cited page in MLA format (this is where you cite where you found your information)