Carole Ferguson Commissioning officer Commissioning Last Years of Life Care Carole Ferguson Commissioning officer
Joint Commissioning EoL Service commissioned jointly across health and social care Last Years of Life Care Plan that has been agreed by LA, CCG and third sector partners. Priorities: co-ordinated and integrated care Equity of access (MH, LD, BAME communities, non-cancer patients) Support for carers and family whilst caring and into bereavement Patient and carer experience Understanding the changing demographics and use of services Engaging with the wider community around issues of death and dying
Specialist Services commissioned Include Specialist Palliative Care Teams (north and south) and links to Frailty MDT Marie Cure and St John’s Hospice (in-patient and day services) Care at home for people at the end of life (fast track palliative care Continuing health Care) Training for providers and clinicians (via Palliative Care Team)
Additional related services Camden Carers Centre-bereavement support and services to support family after bereavement Community nursing including out of hours, rapid response Developing Lymphodema services
Commissioning Responsibilities Also includes: Homecare and reablement Recent move to pay care workers London Living Wage with expectations linked to improved quality of care Informal and family carers Recently started to conduct carer assessments on behalf of LB Camden Wide range of support services for carers. GP in Camden can refer carers directly to Carers Centre
Contacts Karen Timperley Joint Strategic Commissioner (carers, homecare EoL) 020 7974 2807 Carole Ferguson Joint Commissioning Officer (carers, homecare, EoL) 020 7974 2887