Marvin Knobloch ADC, CVA, LM Alois Alzheimer Center Outings for Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia: Providing Meaningful Experiences and Quality of Life Marvin Knobloch ADC, CVA, LM Alois Alzheimer Center
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Marvin E. Knobloch, ADC, CVA, LM Has no real or apparent conflicts of interest to report.
Alois Alzheimer Center A National Leader Recognized for Excellence Located in Cincinnati, Ohio, Alois is the first specialized facility in the United States totally dedicated to the care and study of Alzheimer’s Disease. For the past 23 years my colleagues and I, along with over 100 employees, have committed ourselves to providing excellent care to individuals along the continuum. As part of our mission we serve as a learning site for students and professionals from around the world. We offer assisted living, intermediate, nursing care, a day center, as well as respite care.
Philosophy Still deserve opportunity to be part of community and enjoy activities. Attending sporting events Going out to dinner Movies Shopping Upon admission each resident is assessed to determine their interests related to activities. Outings are then planned and implemented based on the interests and needs of the resident. PHOTO
Planning Assessment process Go and research first PHOTO Assessment process Interest Assistance with walking/ wheelchair Diet Toileting Medications Go and research first Key information for success Parking Steps Tickets Location of bathrooms are important Staff and volunteers receive extensive training on outings to ensure the safety of the residents.
Evaluating The Outcome Upon completion of each outing any concerns are discussed with the team. Resident’s family members are provided with a full report at quarterly care conferences. PHOTO
Successful Outings Take An Interdisciplinary Team PHOTO Meetings conducted throughout the year for staff to share success of program and review policies, procedures, & results. Staff are invited to participate on outings to experience first-hand the important role they play to enrich the residents’ lives through this program.
Results PHOTO Over 3,000 outings have been conducted to date with individuals in all stages Outings provide quality of life, sense of belonging and value. Outings often set the stage for residents to reminisce with others regarding trips they have taken with family and friends. Studies have found that individuals who do not experience sundowning require fewer PRN medications.
Conclusion A program of this magnitude carries a large amount of responsibility but the end results make it all worthwhile. While individuals may not remember specifics of their trip, seeing them enjoying the moment is all that matters. PHOTO