Patrick COCQUET, 6WIND CEO, IPv6 Forum VP IPv6 Business Activities in Europe Patrick COCQUET, 6WIND CEO, IPv6 Forum VP 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
Summary 6WIND, the IPv6 company IPv6 European policy R&D programs IPv6 Task Force IPv6 deployment IPv6 Business: key drivers & players IPv6 is going to be deployed from the Edge Example of 6WINDGate deployment Conclusion 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
6WIND Briefly 6WIND, The IPv6 Company! Starting date: September 2000 Spin-off from the Dassault / Thomson-CSF Leverage experience of 6 years on IP R&D activities Founding member of the IPv6 Forum (VP) Staff including 25 high level engineers, experts in IP protocol design and equipment architecture design 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
6WIND Positioning Products & Technology 6WINDEdge 6WINDGate 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
IPv6 in Europe The actors The catalysts No strong political push Research labs Research and Educational Networks Telcos, ISPs Industry The catalysts National and European R&D Programs Organizations: ETSI, IPv6 Forum, G6… No strong political push No incentive to develop business, only today on R&D programs 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
IPv6, a strategic goal in most National & European R&D programs 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
MISSION: Gathering the (global) experts, to predict, plan for, and shape the future of the Digital Information Society Providing the opportunity for discussions, in order to encourage the worldwide deployment of IPv6. Topics include: emerging technologies, legacy networks, convergence, interoperability, regulation, standards,applications, services, business practices, … Results and recommendations to be reported back to Spanish Presidency next year.
IPv6 Task Force Working Groups: Internet Infrastructure Mobile Wireless; Next Generation Applications; Trials framework
IPv6 in Europe Coverage in time within IST 6INIT GCAP WINE Moby Dick 6WINIT NGN-INITIATIVE SEQUIN LONG MIND WINE GLASS SUITED DRiVE BRAIN 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
Research and Educational Networks NORDUNet SURFnet Janet B-WIN Renater An IPv6 Deployment Vector 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
The Road Ahead 1999 Jan Apr Jul Oct 2000 Jan Apr Jul Oct 2001 Jan Apr Jul Oct 2002 Jan Apr Jul Oct ~1200 MEuro ~950 MEuro ~850 MEuro ~330 MEuro Call-1 Call-2 Call-3 Call-4 Call-5 Call-6 Call-7 Call-8 Wireless Action Lines open at call 7: Reconfigurable Radio; Terrestrial Systems and networks Satellite Communication Systems … a 4G evolutionary context Euro6IX & 6NET
The Pan-European IPv6 IX Backbone 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
Stockholm, London, Oslo, Köpenhamn, Malmö, Göteborg Torino Paris Zurich Berlin London Lisbon ? Stockholm Madrid Alcobendas Murcia Bern Basel Bretigny Lannion Aveiro Issy Caen Southampton Viby Bratislava/Banská Bystrica NTT Europe (linked to Japan) Skanova/Telia Stockholm, London, Oslo, Köpenhamn, Malmö, Göteborg and Vasa) Core Network Map IPv6 IX IPv6 Node Backbone Link Node to IX Link 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
Local deployments Nodes (linked to the Core Network, through the regional IX). xDSL, Ethernet, Radio, Satellite… used for the local loop IX PoP node 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
Business actors The IPv6 Rocket SOFTWARE OS & FIRMWARE SERVICES NETWORKS EQUIPMENTS 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
Business Driven Migration IPv6 and new services Services Security Multicast Mobility QoS IPv4 Number of Internet Appliances Migration Benefits New services Gain market share Migration Constraints No D Day Be seamless No service interruption 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
IPv6 Business in Europe We are just at the beginning! In Europe IPv6 Networks will be deployed first for their new service capacities Mobile Push Peer to peer Offering QoS & Security 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
IPv6 Networks Commercial Services Today only 2 commercial offers from TELIA and TELECOM ITALIA Trials in all historical telcos (FT, BT, DT…) New ISPs are also testing! 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
IPv6: Main European Equipment Manufacturers 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
Service Deployment Example IP service configuration MANAGEMENT CENTER Service Deployment Example 6WIND 6WINDGate 6WIND 6WINDGate Internet or Intranet (IPv4 or IPv6) 6WIND 6WINDGate Qos management (DiffServ) IP Security (IPSec and IPFW) IPv4 /v6 migration features Mobility (mobile IP) Routing 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
QoS MANAGEMENT Classification Policing and shaping Scheduling DiffServ IPv6 or IPv4 backbone or Intranet EF and AF DiffServ IETF standard 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
Device authentication Security Association definition IP SECURITY Device authentication Security Association definition Data transfers IPv4 or IPv6 non secure backbone IPv4 or IPv6 non secure backbone 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064 Config Arch
DEVICE AUTHENTICATION Certification Authority (ex: W2000) Pre-shared keys can also be used Certificate delivery Certificate generation DEVICE AUTHENTICATION IPv4 or IPv6 non secure backbone IPv4 or IPv6 non secure backbone 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
IPSec SA dynamically configured Addresses Algorithms Session keys Lifetime IKE negotiation phases SECURITY ASSOCIATION IPv4 or IPv6 non secure backbone IPv4 or IPv6 non secure backbone 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
Secure traffic between protected zones Policies : Discard Clear Apply AH and/or ESP Secure traffic between protected zones via IPSec tunnels DATA TRANSFER IPv4 or IPv6 non secure backbone IPv4 or IPv6 non secure backbone 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
IP FILTERING FOR FIREWALLS Protected IPv4 or IPv6 LAN INTERNET packet filtering DMZ Firewall Proxies (HTTP, SMTP, …) IP packet processing : Allow, Discard, Divert, Forward To be combined with IPSec VPN for global security 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
IPv4/v6 MIGRATION MECHANISMS Automatic tunnels Configured v6 in v4 tunnels 6to4, ISATAP Configured v4 in v6 tunnels IPv6 cloud IPv6 cloud IPv4/v6 MIGRATION MECHANISMS IPv4 or IPv6 non secure backbone IPv4 backbone IPv6 cloud 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
IPv6 MOBILITY Correspondent Node IP in IP encapsulation Home agent Mobile (Care of address) Proxy Mobile (Home address) Address binding 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
6WINDGate existing FEATURES QoS: EF, AF for IPv4 and IPv6 Dynamic QoS configuration Security: IPSEC, IKE for IPv4 and IPv6 X509 certificates IPv4 and IPv6 filtering for firewalls Dynamic Security configuration IPv6 / IPv4: Both stacks 6to4, v6 into v4 tunnels (automatic and configured) v4 into v6 tunnels Routing: RIP and RIPv6 Mobile IPv6: Home Agent Management: CLI SNMP agent with standard and IPv6 MIB NMS tool integrated in a SNMP framework Similar management for IPv4 and IPv6 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
ARCHITECTURE Example with 6WINDGate GRAPHICAL MANAGEMENT CENTER ARCHITECTURE Example with 6WINDGate QoS features 6WINDGate IPv4 or/and v6 LANs IP v4 or v6 backbone 6WINDGate Firewall v4/v6 (IP Filtering) IPSEC Tunnels (VPN) 6WINDGate QoS, Security & v6 Migration functions in one device IPv6 & IPv4 transition tunnels 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064
CONCLUSION In Europe, the shortage of addresses is not yet a problem for current networks, it will become one with wireless deployment or new applications deployment ISPs need first to increase their profit and gain market shares. Investments has to be preserved! So, the best solution is to deploy IPv6 at the border of the networks, with value added services. We are marketing new services, new applications, new network use! 2018/9/19 réf. : 6W 01/064