Siddhartha By Hermann Hesse
Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) German-born novelist, poet, artist Won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1946 His novels are known to explore an individual’s search for: Authenticity Self-knowledge Spirituality
Siddhartha (“he who has found meaning”) Published in 1922 Details Siddhartha’s journey of self-discovery Set around 500 BCE, during the time of Gautama Buddha (Gotama in our translation)
Themes and Symbols Searching for spiritual enlightenment Teaching and learning Truth vs. illusion Mortality Love The river Nature
Cultural Vocabulary Brahmin (brahman) Samana (ascetic) Om Nirvana a member of the highest, or priestly, class among the Hindus Samana (ascetic) a person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals and practices extreme self-denial or self- mortification for religious reasons Om a mystic syllable, considered the most sacred mantra in Hinduism Nirvana freedom from the endless cycle of personal reincarnations, with their consequent suffering, as a result of the extinction of individual passion, hatred, and delusion
Gautama Buddha (Gotama) 563/480 BCE – 483/400 BCE Was an ascetic and sage His teachings became the foundation of Buddhism Buddhism holds that salvation is reached by ending the cycle of rebirth and attaining Nirvana In the novel, meeting Gotama will send Siddhartha on his journey
Siddhartha Vocabulary List 1 List 2 Ardent Discontent Ablution Palliative Venerable Sojourn Alms Equanimity Avarice Transient Chasm Benefactor Enthrall Ostracize Tarry Insipid Beckon Indolent Fervor Satiate Tepid Forbearance Ennui Veneration