Elaboration Likelihood Model Petty & Cacioppo 1986 9/20/2018 "Co-creating value-added thoughts every class period."
"Co-creating value-added thoughts every class period." 1. Assumptions Process trumps variables (SMCR) People are overloaded with persuasive messages It is impossible to evaluate every message People process messages in two fundamental ways Central - elaborated Peripheral – not elaborated 9/20/2018 "Co-creating value-added thoughts every class period."
"Co-creating value-added thoughts every class period." 2. The Model 9/20/2018 "Co-creating value-added thoughts every class period."
"Co-creating value-added thoughts every class period." 3. Central Processing Thoughtful analysis Uses other messages/issues to evaluate persuasive message Creates a kind of internal debate Tends to be more rational (logos) based Creates more resistant attitudes (inoculation theory) 9/20/2018 "Co-creating value-added thoughts every class period."
4. Peripheral Processing Driven more by “who” (ethos) rather than “what” Based on heuristics or ROTs “More is better” “Attracted to the messenger” “Passion equals correctness” Explains “learning theory” & “attribution theory” Tends to produce less permanent impact Short-term Lower-level of commitment 9/20/2018 "Co-creating value-added thoughts every class period."
"Co-creating value-added thoughts every class period." 5. Determinants of Path Motivational & Ability Factors High involvement & relevance Potential consequences Anticipated interaction Message complexity Situational & Personal Factors Enjoy thinking Level of knowledge Time availability 9/20/2018 "Co-creating value-added thoughts every class period."
"Co-creating value-added thoughts every class period." 6. So what? Determine which route the audiences are taking to process messages Major decisions – Central route Minor decisions – Peripheral route Select a strategy based on that route (matrix) Develop tactics based on strategy Central route – more logical arguments, evidence, counterargument etc. Peripheral route – use learning theory, attribution theory tactics 9/20/2018 "Co-creating value-added thoughts every class period."