Student Data Governance and MDM The Plan 9/20/2018
Student Data Governance and MDM Why Data Governance now? (Don’t we have enough to do?) Populate new systems with as CLEAN as possible. Unified understanding amongst stakeholders of data definitions and visibility to how data flows through systems Unified message to customers regarding said definitions. Central point of contact for compliance events. One version of truth.
Student Data Governance and MDM Roles to be identified: Data Trustees- typically core office(s), oversees all business function(s), DDD level, business driven. Commonly responsible for data content, context, and associated business rules Examples: Sponsored Research Constituent and Product domain – Dr. David Norton (delegated to Stephanie Gray), Office of Research Person domain – TBD Student Constituent and Product domain – Dr. Zina Evans (delegated to Steve Pritz), Enrollment Management Employee Constituent domain – Paula Fussell, Human Resource Services Faculty Constituent domain – Dr. Angel Kwolek-Folland, Provost Office Data Stewards- typically core office, day-to-day functions, adding / editing relevant data, data quality assurance, specific business function(s). Lisa Stroud, Office of Research, Proposals and Awards Cindy King, Enrollment Management, Student Records Melissa Curry / Janet Malphurs, Human Resource Services, Recruitment & Staffing
Student Data Governance and MDM Roles to be identified: Data Custodians- typically IT focused, can be institutional or local, responsible for the safe custody, transport, storage of the data and implementation of business rules. Example: UFIT, Enterprise systems and data warehouses Colleges and distributed units – varies Data Users / Recipients- the person, under direction of their unit VP or Dean, requesting and who will make use of transferred data, typically for reporting or analysis. Internal / external ad-hoc queries
Student Data Governance and MDM Student data covers multiple functional areas: Student Records and Reg Common Data and Functions Reporting Admissions and Recruiting CRM- Student Recruitment Advising and Degree Audit CRM- Student Retention Graduate School Professional Schools Student Accounts Financial Aid Distance and Continuing Ed International Students Faculty Student Services Is this subject list complete? How should it be prioritized?
Student Data Governance and MDM Primary Goals- Establish Governance structure Perform Student Data Assessment and Analysis Establish institutional Student Data Governance across multiple functional areas. Governance may be comprised of a Student Data Governance Council and affiliated working groups. Formalize the creation of governance via Charter, Quality Control and Compliance policies, Issue escalation policies. Describe Conceptual Data Model. Identify Data stewards by functional areas.
Student Data Governance and MDM Primary Goals- Working Group Deliverables Profile data, establish sources, create a data glossary. Describe and Assess Data Quality, strategy for cleansing. Extend Conceptual model, Logical, and eventually Physical data models for Student data domains. What are the archiving, backup, and disposition policies for this data? What are the security policies that are needed for protection of this data? Describe Master Data. How does this exercise inform IDP conversion activities, to begin in March? We are not starting from scratch, let’s take a non-invasive approach and formalize what already exists….identify opportunities to improve.
Student Data Governance and MDM UF Data Governance and MDM future states Goal: Develop a data governance program that is both business and academically led. The operating governance model under development has the following characteristics: Institutional Data Governance- authority derived from the Provost Localized Data Governance: Oversight Council Working Group MDM- UFIT is evaluating applications in this space as a means to upgrade how we vend data across the enterprise. TBD Student