Higher Learning Commission: Reaccreditation Visit October 27-29, 2014 When Dan offered me this time slot to talk about the Higher Learning Commission, I began to contemplate how I could summarize all I had learned at the recent four-day conference that several of us from ONU attended in Chicago. Instead of trying to do that, I have decided to summarize the criteria for reaccreditation, focusing on how these criteria directly link to you as the Board and your activities this weekend, while adding some observations from the recent HLC conference.
Board of Trustees - HLC Update 1. Mission Current documents Approval of Strategic Plan Approval of Mission, Vision, and Values Statement Avoid “mission creep” All activities support the adopted mission No drastic changes in our purpose Commitment to public good Your approval of the documents this weekend Mission Creep – taking on more than we have been, sacrificing Public good – everything we do focuses on the educational purpose of the institution Board of Trustees - HLC Update
2. Ethical and Responsible Conduct Handbooks and policies Trustees, Faculty, Staff, Student Research and academic integrity Representation of ONU to accreditors, students, and the public Trustees make decisions in the interest of the institution, without undue influence All that you do during the trustee weekend involves this particular criteria What is your role with administration? Board of Trustees - HLC Update
3. Teaching and Learning: Quality and Support Appropriate programs Learning Outcomes Classrooms and laboratories Equipment and information resources Faculty credentials Broad general education backbone Addition and deletion of some programs High Impact Learning Board of Trustees - HLC Update
4. Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement Responsible for the quality of our programs Incoming freshman Transfers Internationals Persistence and retention plans Assessment of programs and learning goals Sustainability Program and Financial Base Review Dual credit Accreditation Placement rates As we prepare for Fall and discuss the entering class Northern Promise HLC implementation plan Board of Trustees - HLC Update
5. Resources and Planning Governance: involvement of all constituents as appropriate Fiscal operation Integrated planning Bill’s presentation and the discussion of our budget situation Board of Trustees - HLC Update
Board of Trustees - HLC Update Conclusion What we do every day is tied to these criteria. This self-study is not a task that comes once every 10 years; rather, it is a reflection of what we do best, what we need to improve, and our plan for the future. Not exciting enough? Go to YouTube and search for “Orientation to the Criteria”. Preparing for the self-study is not a task in itself, but rather represents what we do regularly here at ONU. The self-study will allow us to reflect on what we do best, where we can improve Board of Trustees - HLC Update