CTE Coordinators Update Greenbush Drive-In 9.22.14 CTE Coordinators Update Record new CTE coordinators info. (make school visits) Focus on accreditation model and student outcomes with this group Energy Pathway The Advantage – organizational health is crucial, conflict is healthy, silence is disagreement, consensus only leads to mediocre decisions and frustration Intros: Current state of students in college and career CTE as the solution Group discussions with feedback on polleverywhere: icebreaker? talk about general status of cTe in district (top notch, middle, afterthought in everyone’s mind) Discuss accreditation components have them respond to polleverywhere rating themselves a 1, 2, 3 for each of the seven components Start doing – challenges/obstacles Stop doing – challenges/obstacles Student outcomes Burning questions
Introductions Introductions: Pair-Share activity: pair up and high-five, good morning, determine who traveled the furthest to attend today (by hours) (reward furthest traveler – silicone band), share the following: Name, School, position, # years experience in CTE, furthest travel goes first and end with another high-five Ask for hands raised for # years experience in CTE : 1 – 3, 4 – 10, 10-20, over 20 (reward most experienced – silicone band)
Will Ferrell - PBS What could have been….. In this clip from an acceptance speech he gave at a PBS awards show, Ferrell, one of my favorite comedians, reveals some interesting information about his career choices, let’s take a look Looks like perhaps Will Ferrell could have used a marketing and sales CTE Pathway to guide him to his dream career of selling insurance. To make sure he took the correct courses so he was prepared. Luckily Will had comedy to fall back on………… What about our students? How many of them experience true career awareness & guidance to help them make a more informed decision about what they have a passion for? How many of our students, when asked what their career plans are, still answer with “I’m going to college”……that’s not a career plan. I talked to one student this year who was having trouble deciding between WSU and KU. I was assuming both schools had strong programs in her career focus but she told me that the deciding factor was which student section would be more fun to be part of at basketball games.
System for Education Enterprise in Kansas SEEK Use Girard, show them all the college readiness data What are we doing about this gap? Now that you know a resource exists to check on your students post-high school, let’s look at the expectations of our students still in secondary education
Proposed K – 12 CTE Accreditation Components Career Awareness & Guidance Innovation Instructional Practices Integration Partnerships Strategic Planning Support & Recognition Is this a comprehensive list? What components should be added? taken off? consolidated? renamed?
Q & A
Success of Senate Bill 155 2011 2012 2013 2014 HS Headcount 3,475 3,870 6,101 8,208 College Credit Hours 28,000 28,161 44,087 60,799 # Credentials (Public & Private) 711 1419 $ Incentives for Credentials $ 694,167 $ 1,419,000 # Districts Participating 108 160 In 2014, College CTE courses taken by HS students - a 112% increase in headcount and 116% increase in college credit hours over the baseline year 2012) 1,419 secondary students earned industry-recognized credentials leading to a high demand occupation - an increase of 159% over the 548 credentials earned the baseline year (2012) Major areas for secondary student certifications: 73% Health; 9% Construction; 7% Manufacturing; 6% Automotive; 4% Agriculture
Senate Bill 155 Funding 25,719,784 11,750,000
Career Pathways Assessment System (cPass) General CTE Assessment summative college/career ready assessment measures academic, 21st century skills, leadership, employability Comprehensive Agriculture Assessment measures technical skills in Ag
Career Pathways Assessments System (cPass) On the Horizon…….. Animal Systems Plant Systems Manufacturing Production Design and Pre-Construction Finance Comprehensive Business Marketing
15-16 Pathway Application Updates In Progress New Pathway Improvement Plan format Drop down menu of certifications in addition to the open text box will provide more options No advisory committee meeting minutes (keep on file locally) Email address for advisory committee members will not be required District-level Pathway application option “Change”, “No Change” button on each section except for Section 2b to inform consultant 8th grade intro. course credit will count towards 3.0 credit minimum requirement for pathway
New Licensure Regulations Summary of HB 2506 STEM – degree in STEM-related field (finance and accounting as well) + 5 years of related work experience + offer from a school district CTE – IRC + 5 years related work experience OR IF less than 0.5 teaching position, verified occupational competency (exam, license, IRC, 4000 hrs. work experience) NO PEDAGOGY/CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT REQUIRED
Cluster Lead Consultant Last Year Reviewed Year to begin Review Agriculture Food & Natural Resources Kurt Dillon 2012-2013 Architecture & Construction Peggy Torrens 2008-2009 2013-2014 Arts A/V Technology & Communications Gayla Randel 2010-2011 2016-2017 Business Management & Administration Kirk Haskins 2009-2010 2015-2016 Education & Training 2007-2008 Finance Government & Public Administration Don Gifford Health Science Wenda Pickell Hospitality & Tourism Human Services 2014-2015 Information Technology RJ Dake Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Manufacturing Marketing STEM Melissa Fast Transportation, Distribution, Logistics
Thanks for what you do for kansas CTE!! Add polling slides Add IPS slides, SEEK