1 What is the First Step to becoming a master student? A. Tell the truth B. Try harder C. Write general goals D. List your shortcomings
2 Discovery Statements can be which of the following? A. Chronicles of your behavior B. Declarations of what you want C. Statements of your feelings D. All of the above
3 Intention Statements are which of the following? A. Admissions of your failures B. Statements of your commitment to do a specific task or take a certain action C. Promises you keep when it's convenient D. A way to learn where you are
4 Discovery Statements are used to alter course. A. True B. False
5 Intention statements should be positive. A. True B. False
6 Which of the following is not a valid guideline for writing intention statements? A. Anticipate self-sabotage B. Don't think about rewards C. Set timelines D. Be careful of intentions that depend on others
7 People who favor perceiving by abstract conceptualization take in information best when it seems real and present to them. A. True B. False
8 People who favor processing information by active experimentation prefer to jump in and start doing things immediately. A. True B. False
9 When we're learning well, we tend to search out the answers to what four key questions? A. Why? What? How? and What If? B. Why? When? Who? and How Many? C. Where? Why? How? and Which One? D. So? How? When? and Says Who?
10 Which of the following are characteristics of a master student? A. Organized, focused, responsible B. Energetic, courageous, willing to risk C. Creative, intuitive, caring D. All of the above
Chapter 1: First Steps