Political Parties
Political Parties An organization that tries to elect its members to public office so that its views can become public policy
Ideology – is the social and political program that set’s one party apart from others Political Platform
Democrats are considered liberal Political Spectrum- the continuum of social and political beliefs that stretches from conservative on the right to liberal on the left. Democrats are considered liberal Generally support Government action to change social, political, economic policies Republicans are considered conservative Generally support limited Government , lower taxes, and “traditional” social values
3 Main Roles of Political Parties Nominating Candidates for office Assisting the electoral process Position on all major issues “Brand name” Help inform voters “Watch dogs” Helping to operate the government
4 Eras of Political Parties Era of Democrats: 1800-1860 Era of Republicans: 1860-1932 Era of Democrats: 1932- 1968 Era of Divided Government: 1968-Present The Republicans have controlled the Presidency, while most often the Democrats have controlled Congress
Third Party Can be any party other than the main 2 An independent candidate is a candidate not associated with any party