The Great War, 1914–1918 Marching Toward War - Rising Tensions in Europe The Rise of Nationalism • Europe enjoys peace in late 1800s, but problems lie below surface • Growing nationalism leads to competition among nations for _____________________, _________________________, and __________________________ France was bitter over the loss of __________________________________ to Germany Austria-Hungary and Russia both tried to dominate the ______________________ • Nationalism in the Balkans leads many groups (Serbs, Bulgarians, Romanians, etc…) to demand independence Imperialism and Militarism • Competition for colonies stirs mistrust among European nations • Mutual animosity spurs European countries to engage in arms race • Militarism—policy of glorifying military power & preparing the army for war A large and powerful standing army made citizens feel patriotic
Tangled Alliances Bismarck Forges Early Pacts SECTION 1 Tangled Alliances Bismarck Forges Early Pacts • Between 1864-1871 Otto von Bismarck freely used _____________________ to unify Germany In 1871 Bismarck declares Germany to be a “______________________________.” Bismarck works to keep peace in Europe after _______________ • He believes _______________________ wants revenge for loss in 1870 Franco- Prussian War • Seeks to isolate the French with a series of treaties and alliances: - signs treaty with __________________ in 1881 - forms ____________________________ — Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy—in 1882 Shifting Alliances Threaten Peace • Kaiser Wilhelm II becomes German ruler in 1888 • Foreign policy changes begin in 1890 with dismissal of _________________________ - alliance with Russia dropped; Russia then allies with _____________________ - effort to strengthen German ____________ alarms Britain • Britain, France, Russia form _________________________ alliance in 1907
Crisis in the Balkans A Restless Region A Shot Rings Throughout Europe SECTION 1 Crisis in the Balkans A Restless Region • Long history of nationalist uprisings and ethnic clashes cause the Balkans to be known as the “_____________________________” of Europe Many groups in Balkans win independence during early 1900s • New nation of Serbia made up largely of Slavs wants to absorb all Slavs on the _______________________________________ – Russia supports Serbia • _______________________________________ annexes Slavic region Bosnia and Herzegovina (1908) • Serbia outraged, sees itself as rightful ruler of these Slavic lands A Shot Rings Throughout Europe • The _______________________________ – a secret society committed to ridding Bosnia of Austrian rule Serbian rebel (member of the Black Hand) assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand (heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne) and his wife in June 1914 • Austria waits _________________________ to issue Serbia an ultimatum – Serbia wants to negotiate some of the demands Austria declares war on Serbia; ______________________ comes to aid of Serbia
Europe Plunges into War SECTION 2 Europe Plunges into War The Great War Begins Armies on the March • ________________________ moves troops to its borders with Austria and Germany • ________________________ declares war on Russia and quickly attacks France • _______________________________ declares war on Germany Nations Take Sides • By mid-August 1914, two sides at war throughout Europe: - _______________________________ — Germany, Austria-Hungary (Bulgaria & Ottoman Empire) - ________________________ — Britain, France, Russia (Japan, Italy, USA)
A Bloody Stalemate The Conflict Grinds Along SECTION 2 A Bloody Stalemate The Conflict Grinds Along • Western Front — heavy battle zone in northern France – stretches for ________ miles • Schlieffen Plan — German plan to defeat France, then fight Russia to avoid a _______________________________ • German army quickly advances to outskirts of _________________ September 5, the Allies regroup and counterattack at the valley of the Marne River __________ taxicabs were used to bring reinforcements from Paris to the front lines • _________________________ are forced to retreat at the First Battle of the Marne • Schlieffen Plan fails; Germany now has to fight two-front war
A Bloody Stalemate War in the Trenches SECTION 2 A Bloody Stalemate War in the Trenches • Conflict descends into _______________________________ — armies fighting from miles of parallel trenches • Battles result in many deaths, ________________________________________ • Life in trenches is miserable, difficult, unsanitary (mud, rats, no fresh food, no sleep) Space between trenches called “______________________________________” • New weapons only lead to more deaths – ______________________, ____________, _____________________________, _____________________________ • Massive losses for both sides at 1916 battles of Verdun and Somme Verdun (February) = 300,000 casualties for each side – Germans advance 4 miles Somme (July-Nov.) = 500,000 casualties for each side – British advance 5 miles
The Battle on the Eastern Front SECTION 2 The Battle on the Eastern Front Early Fighting • Eastern Front—site of main fighting along the ____________________________ border • Russians push into Austria and Germany, but they are forced to retreat Germans defeat Russians at the Battle of __________________________ Russia Struggles • Russia’s war effort suffering by 1916; lack of _______________________________ = shortage of food and supplies Supply lines by ___________ were cut-off by Germans and Ottomans • Russians suffer staggering losses from fighting and __________________ Huge size of Russian army keeps it a formidable force - prevents __________________________ from sending more troops to the Western Front
A Global Conflict War Affects the World The Gallipoli Campaign SECTION 3 A Global Conflict War Affects the World The Gallipoli Campaign • Allies move to capture the _______________________________ in February 1915 • Hope to defeat Ottoman Empire, a Central Powers ally • Also want to open a supply line through region to ________________________ • Effort ends in costly Allied defeat – ____________________ casualties Battles in Africa and Asia • Allies take control of German holdings in _______________ & _____________ • ________________ and ____________ use their colonial subjects to help in war effort
America Joins the Fight SECTION 3 continued War Affects the World America Joins the Fight • Germany seeks to control ______________________ Ocean to stop supplies to Britain • Uses _______________________________________ - ships near Britain sunk without warning • Halts policy in 1915, after sinking of ______________ angers U.S. • Renews unrestricted policy in 1917, hopes to starve ____________________ quickly ______________________________ note – telegram from Germany to Mexico promising to help them “reconquer” lost territory to the US if Mexico would ally itself with Germany • Renewal of sub policy and effort to enlist Mexico angers U.S. who already felt strong ties to ____________________________ • U.S. declares war against Germany in April 1917, joining Allies An anti-German (Hun) World War I poster.
War Affects the Home Front SECTION 3 War Affects the Home Front Governments Wage Total War • World War I becomes total war — nations devote all ______________________ to war • Governments take control of _________________________ to produce war goods • Nations turn to ________________________ — limiting purchases of war-related goods Governments ________________________ anti-war activity and _________________ news about the war • ________________________ — one-sided information to build morale, support for war Women and the War • At home, thousands of women fill _______________ previously held by men • Many women also experience the war by working as ____________________ Women left the workforce after the war, but perceptions of what women were capable of doing ___________________________
The Allies Win the War Russia Withdraws The Central Powers Collapse SECTION 3 The Allies Win the War Russia Withdraws • Civil unrest in Russia forces _____________ to step down from throne in 1917 • Communists, led by ___________________________________, soon take control of Russia’s government By 1917 nearly _______ million Russians had been killed, wounded, or taken prisoner • Russia signs _____________________________________________ with Germany in March 1918, and pulls out of the war The Central Powers Collapse • With Russia gone, Germany moves most forces to _______________________________ Germans quickly move to within _________ miles of Paris • 2nd Battle of the Marne – Allies are reinforced with ____________________ US troops, Germans are forced to retreat • With _____ million more US troops the Allies march toward Germany Bulgaria and Ottoman Turks surrender, revolution swept through Austria-Hungary Kaiser steps down and Germany declares itself a ___________________ Allies win war; ___________________ — end of fighting — signed in November 1918, in a railway car near Paris
The Legacy of the War A High Price SECTION 3 The Legacy of the War A High Price • War takes heavy toll: _______ million soldiers dead, _______ million wounded Starvation, disease and slaughter kills countless civilians; _____ million die from the flu • War devastates European economies, drains national treasuries ($__________ billion) • Many acres of land and homes, villages, towns destroyed • Survivors suffer disillusionment and despair; reflected in the arts
A Flawed Peace - The Allies Meet and Debate SECTION 4 A Flawed Peace - The Allies Meet and Debate Key Leaders Come Together • _______ countries attend peace talks at Versailles Group of leaders known as the _______________ dominate peace talks: - _________________ prsident Woodrow Wilson - ________________ ruler Georges Clemenceau - David Lloyd George of ____________________ - Vittorio Orlando of ____________________ __________________ was not invited to the talks Neither was ______________ or the other Central Powers Wilson’s Plan for Peace • Wilson proposes _____________________________ — outline for lasting world peace • Calls for _________________________, freedom of the _______________, an end to _______________________________, and an end to ___________________________ • Promotes _____________________________ — right of people to govern own nation • __________ point envisions international peace-keeping body to settle world disputes
SECTION 4 continued The Allies Meet and Debate The Versailles Treaty • Britain, France oppose Wilson’s ideas; they want to ____________________ Germany • Allies, Germany sign accord, ___________________________________, in June 1919 - creates ___________________________ — international organization to keep peace - forces Germany to pay ____________________________ (damages) to the Allies, restricts Germany’s military size, Germany loses substantial territory - Article 231 – the “__________________________” clause lays sole responsibility for the war on Germany - League to rule German colonies until deemed ready for independence
A Troubled Treaty The Creation of New Nations SECTION 4 A Troubled Treaty The Creation of New Nations • Versailles treaty, other peace accords change the look of Europe • Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire all _____________________________ Austria, Hungary, __________________________, ____________________________ are new independent nations • Former Ottoman lands in Southwest Asia turn into mandates Palestine, Iraq, Transjordan come under _____________________________ Syria and Lebanon went to _________________________ • New countries created in southeastern Europe; Russia gives up land Romania and Poland gain ____________________ territory ____________________, _____________________, __________________, Lithuania become independent states
A Peace Built on Quicksand SECTION 4 continued A Troubled Treaty A Peace Built on Quicksand • Treaty of Versailles creates feelings of __________________________ on both sides • _______________________ people feel bitter and betrayed after taking blame for war • _______________________ never signs Treaty of Versailles - many Americans oppose League of Nations and involvement with _______________ • Some former colonies express anger over not winning independence • _______________ & _____________ criticize agreement; gain less land than they want