Closing Remarks PhiPsi15 Guangshun Huang For the Local Organizing Committee: Z.G. Zhao (chair) G.S. Huang (co-chair), C.Z. Yuan (co-chair, IHEP) X.L. Wang Q. Wang H.P. Peng W.B. Yan J.B. Liu Y.W. Liu L. Yan H.J. Xu M.H. Liu Z.B. Tang Y.F. Zhang H. Zeng J. Dong X.R. Zhou Y. Liang Sep.26, 2015, USTC
Overall 3.5-day Workshop; 124 indico registrants; 56 talks + discussions; 6 posters + 1 advertising; 1 short excursion. Successful? Fruitful? Boring?
Thanks… To all participants; To all chair persons; To all speakers! So that we make the Workshop true!
Thanks… To the International Advisory Committee: R. Baldini (INFN) K.T. Chao (PKU) G. Colangelo (University of Bern) H. Czyz (University of Katowice) M. Davier(LAL) A. Denig (University of Mainz) S. Eidelman (Budker Institute) P. Gauzzi (Universita' La Sapienza) F.A. Harris (University of Hawaii) G. Isidori (INFN) J.H. Kuehn(KIT) A. Lusiani (Scuola Normale Superiore) J.P. Ma (ITP) M. Passera (INFN) B.L. Roberts (University of Boston) X.Y. Shen (IHEP) E. Solodov (Budker Institute) E. Tomasi-Gustafsson (IRFU) L. Trentadue(University of Parma) A. Vainshtein (University of Minnesota) G. Venanzoni(INFN) Z.P. Zheng (IHEP) For the helpful suggestions and recommendations.
My personal thanks to… To my colleagues of Local Organizing Committee; To the service team: Prof. Xiaolian Wang, Mr. Hui Zeng, Ms. Yue Liang, Ms. Juan Dong, Dr. Minghui Liu, Dr. Xiaorong Zhou, Mr. Dan Cen, Mr. Yu Ding, Longke Li, Zhihong Wang, Lei Xia, Mingxuan Xue, Weiping Wang, Yankun Sun, Dong Liu, Zhe Zeng, Xin Fang, Yue Pan, Zhen Gao, Xinlei Gao, Yateng Zhang, Peilian Li, Xiaodong Shi, Yeqi Chen, Yaxing Tan, Libo Wu, … (sorry if I missed any names) To Changzheng, who offered lot of helps; To Zhengguo, for all his supports.
Part of service team
Hope you have enjoyed the dishes!
Regrets… The satellite meeting canceled; The tour plan adjusted; The remote connection was not good; The JiangNanChun hotel was overbooked; Various small messes …
Next Workshop? Where to meet two years later: Novosibirsk? Mainz? To be discussed and decided.
Conclusion Hope you have had a good time in Hefei; Can we say it is a successful Workshop? Remember your homework – proceedings! Thank you all and have a safe trip back home!