Teamwork, Attitude, and Resolving Conflicts Working with Others Teamwork, Attitude, and Resolving Conflicts
In any job, you will work with others! Teamwork matters!: Leadership styles: leadershipquiz.htm Take quiz Write a reflection about results in binder (5-8 sentences) Discuss results Rainbow Jenga Construction Game (p. 70) 2 groups Try to imitate my model
Positive vs. Negative Attitude A positive attitude at work can lead to happier days! To have a positive attitude, try… Looking on the bright side: See the best parts of every situation. Understand that bad times are temporary. Laugh! Talking positively about co-workers. Don’t spread rumors or be critical. Understand that they are doing their best, too. New things! A new job assignment or new way of doing things might be hard, but it could turn out to be really awesome! If the thing is terrible, at least you will learn some great coping skills!
Sharing Ideas You will have chances to work in a group at school and work. Do this in the best way by… Acknowledging the ideas of others Say “That’s an interesting thought” Rephrase what the person said Add on a new idea that you have “What if we…” “Something that might work is…” Avoid extremes- don’t say “that’s dumb” or “That would never work!” Being brave and share new ideas Sometimes, your idea is a great idea. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas in a positive way! Be sure that others are listening before sharing.
Resolving Conflict with a Co-Worker or Boss Decide if the problem is appropriate to talk about Common concerns, misunderstanding, and an unsafe environment are appropriate If you have a pet peeve, just get over it. Don’t ask a co-worker or boss to change to fit your pet peeve. Conflict with a Co-Worker: Talk to the person directly. Help others trust you by being open and honest. Conflict with a Boss: Talk to the boss before your problems get worse. Ask for their help. Guidelines: Pick a good time to have this conversation Be calm and use I-messages Use constructive criticism (give ideas, don’t blame others, and don’t be extreme)