Conflict Resolution
Wanna Fight? Think of a recent conflict you have had and answer the questions below: Who was involved? What was the disagreement about? How did you feel about the argument or conflict? How did you feel about the person with whom you were arguing? How did you express your feelings Did you agree on a solution? If so, what was it?
When dealing with a conflict: Take time to calm down and think through the situation When discussing conflict, speak calmly, listen attentively, and ask questions when appropriate Use a polite tone and try to brainstorm solutions where no one loses respect Work to resolve the conflict peacefully
Strategies for Effective Communication Clearly say what you mean Use “I” Messages I feel frustrated when our plans change Pay attention to how you say something Use a respectful tone Be aware of facial expressions and gestures Be a good listener Avoid interrupting the speaker Nod or ask questions when appropriate
Steps to Resolving Conflicts 1. State the Problem Clearly and calmly state the problem using “I” statements. Don’t pass judgment, accuse, or blame the other person 2. Brainstorm Possible Solutions List all the possible solutions that you both can come up with to resolve the conflict. Write down all the ideas even if they seem ridiculous at the time 3. Identify the Consequences Discuss the possible consequences for each of the brainstormed solutions 4. Choose a solution Choose a solution that you both can agree on