Who do I want to be?
After reading the article about Jeff Foxworthy, take some time to think about who you want to be. This isn’t about what you want to be, or a career. It should focus on who you want to be as a person. These should be based on your personality, and choices about how you want to live your life. For Foxworthy, who he wants to be is “a compassionate man of character. If nobody is watching, I hope I will do the right thing, and if I have a choice, I will always err on the side of kindness… (and) cares about other people more than they care about themselves.” Assignment: On a lined piece of paper, make a list of at least 20 traits that make up who you want to be. These can be single words or phrases. On a piece of computer paper, draw a self-portrait. This should be colored and take up most of the page. From your list of 20 traits, choose your top five. Write these on your self- portrait somewhere. Staple the two pages together and turn in to the basket.