New England Permanency Convening Social Capital as a Planning Framework to Achieve Better Permanency Outcomes Workshop New England Permanency Convening November 27, 2012 Portland, ME
Going Back to Move Forward Social Capital & Better Permanency Outcomes Social Capital as a Planning Framework to Achieve Better Permanency Outcomes with Youth Agenda Who’s in the room? Going Back to Move Forward Social Capital & Better Permanency Outcomes Youth Perspectives Discussion
Building Social Capital Relationships for A Reason, A Season, A Lifetime … Quantity Quality Value Relationships that promote bonding between similar people and bridging between diverse people…relationships that we all need for a reason, a season and a lifetime to promote a healthy transition through adulthood – and beyond Family – physical and emotional base of operations to explore roes of adulthood School – expectations of achievement and social networks developed through educational community of teachers, peers, and families Community – broaden social network of people and organizations Peers – unique opportunities for growth and development not possible with adults Opportunity for development of young people, families, communities, professionals in various systems Broaden our lens from placement > to building social capital through positive foster care experiences > so that young people leave care with relationships for a reason, a season and a lifetime Support adolescent well-being through intentional efforts to build emotional and relational capacity to trust that adults can be there for them 3
Help them to have answers to 6 key questions Social Capital as a Planning Framework to Achieve Better Permanency Outcomes with Youth Help them to have answers to 6 key questions Who am I? What happened to me? Where am I going? How will I get there? Who will support me along the way? How and when will I know I belong? Adapted from 3.5.7 Model, Darla Henry (2005)
Social Capital as a Planning Framework to Achieve Better Permanency Outcomes with Youth Young people safely make sense of their story, make peace with their past, and make realistic plans for their future Young people are “connected by 25” to the relationships, knowledge, skills and resources needed for a successful transition to adulthood – and beyond! Young people have supportive relationships for a reason, a season and a lifetime ….
Discussion – relationships for a reason, a season and a lifetime … Social Capital as a Planning Framework to Achieve Better Permanency Outcomes with Youth Discussion – relationships for a reason, a season and a lifetime … How does this social capital case planning framework fit with your daily work in achieving better permanency outcomes with youth in and transitioning from foster care? What challenges exist and how can we brainstorm together to overcome them?
Website: Thank You! Website: Sarah Greenblatt Dianna Walters Casey Smith