DGP WEEK OF January 5 - 8
This week’s sentence: when ansleys brother beck was little his favorite movie was the jungle book
Day One when (sub conjun) ansleys (poss proper noun) brother (common beck (proper noun) was (linking verb) little (predicate adj) his (poss. pronoun) favorite (adj) movie (common noun) was (linking verb) the jungle book (proper noun)
[when ansleys brother beck was little] dependent clause Day Two [when ansleys brother beck was little] dependent clause [his favorite movie was the jungle book] independent clause
[when ansleys brother (beck) appositive – no phrase Day Two [when ansleys brother (beck) appositive – no phrase was little] dependent clause [his favorite movie was the jungle book] independent clause
when ansleys brother beck was VI little his favorite Day Three when ansleys brother beck was VI little his favorite movie was VI the jungle book
when ansleys brother beck was VI little (pred. adj.)his Day Three when ansleys brother beck was VI little (pred. adj.)his Favorite movie was VI the jungle book (pred. nominative)
When Ansley’s brother Beck was little, his favorite movie was Day Four When Ansley’s brother Beck was little, his favorite movie was The Jungle Book. Anytime a sentence begins with a dependent clause, the clause is set off with a comma. Titles of major pieces like novels, movies, magazines, or album titles are underlined or italicized when writing.
Diagram It: brother (Beck) was little Ansley’s movie was The Jungle Book his favorite When