Statistical colorings of 1H NMR estimates of biochemical variables. Statistical colorings of 1H NMR estimates of biochemical variables. (A–I) Quantitative estimates of biochemical variables based on the statistical modeling of the 1H NMR spectra, and visualized on the SOM that was obtained previously from the same data. Regression model estimates for (A) serum triglyceride concentration, (B) cholesterol level, (C) HDL2 cholesterol and (D) serum creatinine. The colors of the map units indicate the averaged estimates for patients who reside in a given region. (E) Concentrations of serum urea were obtained by direct peak integration around 5.68 p.p.m. and (E) albumin concentration was estimated by parametric line fitting in the aliphatic region of the LIPO window. (G) Lactate signal at 4.05 p.p.m. (H) acetate at 1.86 p.p.m. and (I) glucose at 3.44 p.p.m. were quantified by peak integration. Ville‐Petteri Mäkinen et al. Mol Syst Biol 2008;4:167 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend