IDR – Internal Department Request Presenter: Marchand Hilderbrand Date: 11 March 2014
What is IDR? IDR is an iEnabler process to create and maintain IDR (Internal Departmental Request) transactions on the web which will generate General Ledger journal transactions. Routing, approvals, restrictions and multi-departmental processing/access is inherent in this process.
Process Flow
Finance iEnabler
Create a New IDR
Maintain IDR If an IDR is not complete, it can be “Maintained” at a later stage Click on IDR number and complete request. Support documentation can be uploaded Notes can be included – eg. Reason for the request.
Approve IDR
Query IDR
Status Can easily identify status off IDR
Supply IDR Supplying department can update credit cost centre and account
Normal Status
Effect on General Ledger
Effect on General Ledger
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