Standard Threshold Shift Milestone Audiometry For the Individual • By December 2016, no employee’s Standard Threshold Shift (STS) will exceed 25 dB from the baseline when averaged at 2000, 3000 and 4000 Hz in one or both ears
Standard Threshold Shift Milestone From 1 July 2016 a milestone baseline audiogram must be conducted within 30 days of commencement of employment on every new employee exposed to a noise zone A Milestone baseline audiogram must be conducted between 1 July 2016 and 31 December 2017 on every current employee working in a noise zone
Employees: 3504 Contractors: 2554
STS shifts: By 1 Jan 2018, Reporting of STS shifts (25dB in either one or both ears) to the DMR and Chamber of Mines commences. Reporting should be done in line with the MHSC Milestone Reporting Template
2014 TB & HIV/AIDS Milestones Reduction and prevention of TB, HIV & AIDS infections: 100% of employees should be offered HCT annually with all eligible employees linked to an ART programme as per the NSP.
* In order to reach the 100% target on an annual basis, all initial Medicals, Periodic Medicals and Fitness to work are offered HIV tests as they are full contact medicals and most employees have an initial or periodic at least once per year. Other contact sessions are offered on a discretionary basis or are tested on request.
TB Milestone By December 2024, the TB incidence rate should TB prevention: By December 2024, the TB incidence rate should be at or below the National TB incident rate National TB incident rate: TB incidence and prevalence in South Africa is one of the countries with the highest burden of TB, with the WHO statistics giving an estimated incidence of 450,000 cases of active TB in 2013. So about 1% of the population of about 50 million develop active TB disease each year. The TB incidence is the number of new cases of active TB disease in a population during a certain time period (usually a year). See more at: http://www.tbfacts.org/tb-statistics-south-Africa/#sthash.NZ6Mzubw.dpuf TB Milestone
TB Milestone None of the PTB cases submitted to MBOD for certification in 2017 has yet been certified as occupational TB for Glencore Eastern Mines