The Really Really Really Really Hard Game of “PassPlay” LEFT-RIGHT-CENTER The Really Really Really Really Hard Game of “PassPlay”
Preparing Your Class to Play Divide you class into 4 equal groups (should be 4-5 students in a group) Groups should be playing at a table or group of desks that has a solid center area. Provide one LCR game (tube with dice and chips) to each group. Be careful taking the lid off the game tube. Give each player in the group 3 chips. Keep the remaining chips in the tube and put the top back on it. Make sure each group has a copy of the directions sheet to reference as needed At the end of class time please put all chips and dice back into your groups LCR game tube.
EACH player starts with 3 tokens Players take turns rolling all 3 dice, continue turns clockwise. “L” = pass ONE token to LEFT “R” = pass ONE token to the RIGHT “C” = pass ONE token into the CENTER “Dot”=Do NOT pass a token. (3 dots? = “perfect” roll!)
The Last Player with tokens WINS the GAME! On the way… Players with just 1 or 2 tokens may only roll as many dice as they have tokens (2/2, 1/1) Players with NO tokens “pass” on their turn and rejoin on their next turn, IF they get some tokens back.
It’s ALL about having a little F.U.N.!!!!!!
Good Times, Good Times!