Micro/Trace-Minerals Macro/Micro Minerals Micro/Trace means you need a small amount of these minerals Calcium Iron Macro-Minerals Micro/Trace-Minerals Macro means you need a large amount of these minerals
Calcium Strengthens bones and teeth Function: Food Source: Milk/Dairy Products, Whole Grains, Dark Green Leafy Vegetables Deficiency: Osteoporosis (Bones become weak and brittle due to mineral loss)
Video for Osteoporosis
Iron Function: Helps make red blood cells, helps our muscles store and use oxygen Prevents Anemia Food Source: Animal products, meat, dark green leafy vegetables Deficiency: Anemia (Low red blood cell formation)
Electrolytes Electrolytes easily become imbalanced in cases of dehydration, illness and diarrhea. Label reading is a good way to identify which foods have high amounts. • If an athlete is trying to replace sodium, then some saltier foods are ok
Sodium & Potassium Function: Maintains fluid balance in the body-Help Maintain the - Heart beat also help muscle and nerve action Food Source: Sodium------- Potassium---- Salt- bread –milk processed foods Bananas& Potatoes- Deficiency: Muscle cramps, irregular heart beat, seizures