Bachelor of Public Relations
Why enrol for a Bachelor of PR 3 Year Degree The only PR degree in South Australia PRIA(PUBLIC RELATIONS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA) accredited program Local – National - International opportunities Internships and placements for all students Royce Scholarships: overseas travel and research $5000 - $10,000
You; the PR practitioner You need to be Enthusiastic Creative A great communicator Take organisations beyond their ideas BE the Living Communication Tool for YOUR organisation!
Is the Bachelor of PR for you? If you want to be a Public relations practitioner you will enjoy: Communicating with many different audiences and groups Researching and understanding what the public needs and how to meet their needs Build relationships with other organisations, professionals and internal staff Working with the media in its various forms Have great online skills to communicate directly to the public
Public Relations
Entry requirements SACE Entry: TER from 2006:62.6: this was the first year of the degree and the degree was not included in the SATAC guide: The TER for 2007 will be a more accurate guide to entry TAFE articulation pathways: Credit for some courses will be considered but in view of the degree’s Public Relations Institute of Australia Accreditation, no credit is given for Professional Majors Transfers from other degrees will need to be considered on a case by case basis
Program structure Professional Concentrations PR Elective Choices Professional Majors Public Relations Theory and Practice Public Relations Writing Strategic Creative Public Relations Public Relations Issues and Crisis Management Corporate and International Public Relations Communication Management and Leadership Internship or Placement Professional Concentrations Professional Public Relations Texts Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange Buyer and Consumer Behaviour PR Elective Choices Journalism Ethics or Creative Industries and Ethics Accounting, Decisions and Accountability Business Information Systems Statistical Analysis in Business Sub Majors: Health Science, Multimedia, Psychology, and much more Foundation courses: focussing on the Media from Australian and international perspectives
Where might you work? For a public relations consultancy managing many different clients For a government organisation managing heritage housing or campaigns to save water For a football, soccer or sporting club For a private organisation managing sun products, housing and new estates For a non profit organisation increasing awareness about kids in need, cancer care or animal welfare. Public relations is DIVERSE
PR: the Real Story The recall: Chocolate bars in your supermarket may contain a poisonous substance! The organisation that supplies the Chocolate Bars telephones you to manage the situation You are a PR consultant or a PR in-house practitioner
DAY 1: 12 noon Brief the CEO Prepare Media Releases and Media briefs THE HOTLINE begins Website updating and postings for media centre take place throughout the day Child falls sick after eating a chocolate bar You work with the CEO, health specialists Call a media conference
DAY 1: 2.00pm Web Blogs are active- comments made about your organisation’s POOR products Public confidence is down The CEO invites the media to inspect the factory, you work on other tactics to keep the public informed Transparency and honesty is critical to PR practice
DAY 2 Millions of dollars going down the drain BUT the needs of the public come first It seems one of the supplier’s products was contaminated You are given the Green light BUT You make sure the organisation has a good crisis plan YOU KNOW that next time the crisis could be even worse
Program structure Enrolment Options – Part time, Full time options for Internal students Fulltime means attendance at four lectures per week and eight tutorials plus time to research topics and work in teams The degree is offered at the Magill Campus
Our graduates Carmen Lewis, first year student became a member of PRIA’s young practitioner’s group Students have been accepted into work experience placements in the first year of this new degree Strong links with Industry mean that opportunities are increasing for students to be part of public relations practice long before they graduate International opportunities in United Kingdom and Dublin Ireland, are considerable
Contact details Program Director: Dr Joy Chia - Tel: 08 83024322 Project Officer, Undergraduate Programs: Jenny Stokes, Tel: 08 8302 4561 Program Information Session: Monday 17, September 6-8pm, H1.44, Magill Campus Program Information website: School homepage: