Minutes Of Meeting Subject Related Partnerships With Institutions Of Higher Eduction In Developing Countries FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE
Proposed Program For GAUG/Universities in Indonesia Cooperation Indonesian universities envisioned a comprehensive cooperation Faculty member exchange Student exchange Credit transfer/credit earning activity Join curriculum development/module development Double degree program Full degree program Joint research and training Joint publication/workshop/seminars
Proposed Topic for Graduate Program Sustainable agriculture Plant breeding and biotechnology Tropical Plant Protection Integrated Pest Management Tropical soil resource management Agriculture Landscape
Common Interests Topic IPB UNPAD UNLAM UNTAD UNSYAH UNDIP GAU Sustainable Agriculture V Plant Breeding Plant Protection Soil Science v Agric. Landscape
The Structure for Exchange of Lecturer An exchange of lecturer from Indonesian Univ to GAU and vis versa A block module , a in between semester course (60 hours curse) in to two weeks In IPB as a special topic course in graduate school In GAU incorporated into modules Time for GAU profs to deliver course in Indonesia in July and August start 2010 Time for Indonesian Prof to come to GAU starts in February 2011. One person come in one year to deliver two block courses in two universities
Alternatives for funding: In the Scheme of Scientific/research cooperation, Prof from GAU could come to Indonesia to teach. Academic recharging funded by DIKNAS that could be used to send Indonesian University Profs to GAU