Characteristics of Earth’s Forests Area (km2) NPP Biodiv- ersity Forest Type Where? Rainfall Soil gC/km2/yr Immature, but abundant minerals yet to be released High N Latitudes (50-60 °N) Low 20-50 cm/yr Boreal 12 M 300 M Low Rich, fertile, abundant nutrient reserves Mid- Latitude (30° - 50°) Moderate 50 to 100 cm/yr Temperate 12 M 500 M Moderate Poor, highly leached. Most nutrients recycles Low Latitude (0 - 30°) High 2 to 10 m/yr Tropical Rainforest 17 M 1000 M High
Boreal Forests: slow growing, cold, 1/2 year low light, shallow, immature, but mineral-rich soils. Low plant and animal diversity. Capable of sustained harvest, but low yield (slow growth) Temperature Forests: Mixed deciduous hardwoods and evergreens, fertile soils. Resistant to disturbance: if cleared, rapid recolonization. Sustained yield OK in most regions. Tropical Rainforest: Closed canopy, high rainfall. Most in Brazil (Amazonia), central West Africa (Congo, Zaire), Indonesia and Madagascar. Also Central America, Angola, Peru, Bolivia, India and scattered outliers.
NPP: Net Primary Productivity What is the net annual production of organic matter by a particular ecosystem, usually measured in the amount of Carbon fixed as organic matter. Net means the total fixed minus the total respired. gC/km2/yr is the (net) grams of carbon fixed over each square kilometer in an average year.
Percentage area covered by different ecosystems
NPP (gC/m2/yr) for different ecosystems
70% Percentage net NPP (gC/m2/yr) for different ecosystems 3%
How a geologist views a tree.…Key variables: Leaf area index Rooting depth Water-holding capacity of the soil.
* The process whereby natural forests are cleared through logging and/or burning, either to use the timber or to replace the area for alternative uses. MAJOR CONCERNS ARE: * Loss of biodiversity * Global warming (burning releases CO2) * Climate impacts
Deforested Forested