Meeting of Working Group Data & Information Sharing (DIS) under the Common Implementation Strategy of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) 13/10/2015
Content Overview of the reporting tools and resources available Changes introduced as a result of the test phase Annex 6 to the WFD Reporting Guidance: Interface with Reportnet 7
1. Reporting tools and resources available WFD 2016 WFD Reporting Guidance and GIS Guidance Annex6 UML XML Schemas for spatial and descriptive data XML QA tools GML Shape files Conversion tools Access DB Conversion tool Helpdesk log
1. Reporting tools and resources available DEMO
2. Changes introduced (v. 5.0 to 6.0) Merged the monitoring schemas in just one Protected area XML schema pass into the GML schema Data model simplification within schemas Access DB reference types merged into a singe table 7
2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0 to 6.0.1) Fixing of encountered errors in the testing phase Unifications of enumerations Update of code lists, e.g. substances 7 Helpdesk log
2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Helpdesk log Ease reporting to the MS Avoid redundancy Hydrological Network Transboundary Water Bodies Life cycle management: Re-delineation
Spatial data (overview) 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Spatial data (overview) RiverBasinDistrict SubUnit SurfaceWaterBody SurfaceWaterBodyLine SurfaceWaterBodyCentreline (NEW !!)
Spatial data (overview) 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Spatial data (overview) GroundwaterBody GroundwaterBodyHorizon (NEW !!) ProtectedArea ProtectedAreaLine (NEW !!) ProtectedAreaPoint (NEW !!) MonitoringSite
Specific issues 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Transboundary Water Bodies COUNTRY ZZ XZ ZZ thematicIdIdentifier XZ111 ZZ999 relatedZoneTransboundaryIdentifier YY001 999 111 111 999 COUNTRY XZ
Specific issues 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Transboundary Water Bodies XZ ZZ thematicIdIdentifier XZ111 ZZ999 relatedZoneTransboundaryIdentifier YY001 COUNTRY ZZ 999 COUNTRY XZ 111 999
Specific issues 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Transboundary Water Bodies XZ ZZ thematicIdIdentifier XZ111 ZZ999 relatedZoneTransboundaryIdentifier YY001 COUNTRY XZ 111 999 COUNTRY ZZ
Specific issues 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Re-delineation: split predecessor beginLifeSpanVersion versionId wiseEvolutionType
Specific issues Specific issues 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Re-delineation: aggregation predecessor beginLifeSpanVersion versionId wiseEvolutionType Specific issues
Specific issues 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Re-delineation: split and aggregate predecessor beginLifeSpanVersion versionId wiseEvolutionType
Specific issues 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Re-delineation: changes in geometry predecessor beginLifeSpanVersion versionId wiseEvolutionType
2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Common geographical datasets Align data in border Areas Use of a common dataset EuroBoundaryMap 1:100000
3. Annex 6 to the WFD Reporting Reportnet interface Folder structure for country basis reporting Reporting workflow 7
3. Annex 6: Reporting workflow
3. Annex 6: Reporting workflow Nomination to allow login One national reporting coordinator for the water directives to be provided to DG ENV National coordinators will indicate who data reporters are via HelpDesk Link:
3. Annex 6: Reportnet interface<you country>/eu/wfd2016/
3. Annex 6: Folders structure MS Folder (<you country>/eu/wfd2016/) RBMP, PoM background documents (/docs) National (/nat) Date 1 Date 2 River Basin District 1 (/rbds) River Basin District 2 National spatial data (/gml) National RBDSUCA River Basin District 1 (/xml) River Basin District 2 (/xml)
3. Annex 6: What to report and where RBMP, PoM and background documents PDF, Docs National spatial data - GML files RiverBasinDistrict GroundWaterBodyHorizon GroundWaterBody MonitoringSite ProtectedAreaLine ProtectedAreaPoint ProtectedArea SubUnit SurfaceWaterBodyCentreline SurfaceWaterBodyLine SurfaceWaterBody National RBDSUCA - XML file RBDSUCA (River Basin Districts, Sub-Units and Competent Authority) River Basin District x - XML files GWB GWMET SWB SWMET Monitoring RBMPoM
3. Annex 6: Reporting workflow Create an envelope Title: YYYYMMDD
3. Annex 6: Reporting workflow Upload file(s)
3. Annex 6: Reporting workflow QA test + statistics on data uploaded Schema validation Within schema checks Cross schema checks Statistics 7 Or
3. Annex 6: Reporting workflow Release envelope QA results + statistics
3. Annex 6: Reporting workflow Release envelope II Blocking errors exists: envelope not released replace wrong files No blocking errors: confirmation of receipt envelope released Or
3. Annex 6: Reporting workflow Release envelope III Blocking errors: Missing file(s) in the envelope required. Missing elements to keep the integrity of the data at EU level.
3. Annex 6: Reporting workflow Close envelope EU Commission assessment Assessment on QA results Data completeness Request for resubmission notification Successful notification Create new envelope Or
THANK YOU Alberto Telletxea Enrique Soriano Iker Garcia Marisa Ruiz
Renamed attributes 3. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) v5.0 v6.0.1 localId inspireIdLocalId namespace inspireIdNamespace versionId inpireIdVersionId supersedesIdentifier predecessorsIdentifier supersedesIdentifierScheme predecessorsIdentifierScheme supersededByIdentifier successorsIdentifier supersededByIdentifierScheme successorsIdentifierScheme wiseStatus wiseEvolutionType
2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) RiverBasinDistrict
New attributes 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description link Hyperlink to where additional information on the Area of Management or Reporting Unit is available on the web, at national level.
2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) SubUnit
New attributes 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description link Hyperlink to where additional information on the Area of Management or Reporting Unit is available on the web, at national level.
2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) SurfaceWaterBody
SurfaceWaterBodyLine 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) SurfaceWaterBodyLine
New attributes 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description relatedZoneTransboundaryIdentifier For reporting purposes, in the case of water bodies that cross the border between countries, each Data Provider should report on its own part of these transboundary water body. If a common identifier has been agreed between the different countries, that identifier can be reported, thus allowing for a clearer understanding and identification of transboundary water bodies. relatedZoneTransboundaryIdentifierScheme [Conditional] If a transboundary identifier was reported, then the common identifier scheme adopted by neighbouring countries to register the identifiers of their transboundary water bodies should be provided. Reference to an online resource or registry can be provided as valid identifier scheme.
New attributes 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description sizeValue The area of the reference geometry (in square kilometer) or length of the reference geometry (in kilometer). sizeUom Unit of measure of the value provided in the 'sizeValue' attribute. meanDepth Average depth of the surface water body (in meter). If only the volume of the water body is known (e.g. storage capacity of a reservoir), divide by the area to obtain the mean depth.
New attributes 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description link Hyperlink to where additional information on the Area of Management or Reporting Unit is available on the web, at national level.
SurfaceWaterBodyCentreline 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) SurfaceWaterBodyCentreline
New attributes 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description hydroIdLocalId A hydrographic thematic identifier. An identifier that is used to identify a hydrographic object in the real world. It provides a 'key' for implicitly associating different representations of the object. A local identifier, assigned by some authority. The identifier may be a national hydrological identification code. hydroIdNamespace An indicator of the scope for the hydrographic identifier.
New attributes 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description geographicalNameText Name, in the national language, of the hydrological water body. National language endonym, or national language version of the name of the geographical feature or spatial object. Note that the geographical name refers to the hydrographic feature, not to the water body used as a management unit or a reporting unit. geographicalNameLanguage Language code of the language used in the geographicalNameText value.
New attributes 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description continua Data Providers reporting should use one of the following values: 'Y' – Real surface water network segment (river or canal) 'N' – Real underground network segment (pipeline or natural) 'L' – Virtual network segment in lake area 'R' – Virtual network segment in river to connect tributary 'T' – Virtual network segment in transitional water area 'C' – Virtual network segment in coastal water area 'V' – Virtual network segment not under other classifications
2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) GroundwaterBody
New attributes 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description relatedZoneTransboundary Identifier For reporting purposes, in the case of water bodies that cross the border between countries, each Data Provider should report on its own part of these transboundary water body. If a common identifier has been agreed between the different countries, that identifier can be reported, thus allowing for a clearer understanding and identification of transboundary water bodies. relatedZoneTransboundary IdentifierScheme [Conditional] If a transboundary identifier was reported, then the common identifier scheme adopted by neighbouring countries to register the identifiers of their transboundary water bodies should be provided. Reference to an online resource or registry can be provided as valid identifier scheme.
New attributes 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description sizeValue The area of the reference geometry (in square kilometer) or length of the reference geometry (in kilometer). sizeUom Unit of measure of the value provided in the 'sizeValue' attribute. link Hyperlink to where additional information on the Area of Management or Reporting Unit is available on the web, at national level.
GroundwaterBodyHorizon 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) GroundwaterBodyHorizon
2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) MonitoringSite
New attributes 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description purpose Use a comma-separated list of the monitoring purpose codes. catchmentArea Applicable only for surface water monitoring sites located in rivers. The area of the catchment above the monitoring site (in square kilometer). maximumDepth Maximum sampling depth (in meter).
New attributes 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description confidentialityStatus Information about the sensitivity and confidentiality status of the monitoring site location. By default, all data is publicly available and free for publication. For safety or security reasons, Data Providers may flag that the location of some monitoring sites (e.g. drinking water abstractions) should not be published. Optional. Data providers reporting under WISE SoE are requested to provide this information for monitoring sites. The default value is 'F' (free for publication). The value 'N' (not from publication, restricted for internal use only) will prevent the publication of the monitoring site location in the WISE dissemination products. Note 1: This flag applies only to the location data: the time series will still be made available. Note 2: This flag does not prevent public access to data files delivered to the EEA's Central Data Repository, if access to the envelopes is not restricted by the Data Provider.
New attributes 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description 05 link Hyperlink to where additional information on the Area of Management or Reporting Unit is available on the web, at national level.
2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) ProtectedArea
2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Common_GML
CodeLists 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description 01 Information about the sensitivity and confidentiality status of the monitoring site location.
CodeLists 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description High-level classification defining the type of Management, Restriction or Regulation Zone.
CodeLists 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description 03 Additional classification value which further specialises the type of management, regulation or restriction zone relevant to the domain. This value should be derived from a relevant domain-specific controlled vocabulary, where available.
CodeLists 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description 04 Type of event that produced or modified the version of the object being reported. This attribute is required. The allowable values are based on those defined in See also Annex F of the INSPIRE Data.
CodeLists 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description The level at which the legislative instrument is adopted. Unit of measure of the value provided in the 'sizeValue' attribute.
CodeLists 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description Use a comma-separated list of the monitoring purpose codes.
CodeLists 2. Changes introduced (v. 6.0.1) Name Description Data Providers reporting should use one of the following values: 'Y' – Real surface water network segment (river or canal) 'N' – Real underground network segment (pipeline or natural) 'L' – Virtual network segment in lake area 'R' – Virtual network segment in river to connect tributary 'T' – Virtual network segment in transitional water area 'C' – Virtual network segment in coastal water area 'V' – Virtual network segment not under other classifications