Encoding National OI datasets into INSPIRE specifications With FME Julián Delgado Hernández
Results delivered for: Objetive To test FME 2015 as tool to generate GMLs compliant to INSPIRE specifications To work directly with published INSPIRE XSDs (on-line connection), no consideration of particular editions Results delivered for: FME community users INSPIRE thematic clusters, INSPIRE Conference 2015 https://themes.jrc.ec.europa.eu/discussion/view/2843/encoding-of-elevation-and-orthoimagery-coverages?offset=10 European Environment Agency - EAGLE group Spanish Council for INSPIRE implementation (CODIIGE - Consejo Directivo de la Infraestructura de Información Geográfica en España)
Related with land monitoring INSPIRE themes Related with land monitoring Orthoimagery (OI) Elevation in future examples Test site National Plan for Aerial Orthophotography (PNOA) 3 images of 50 – 25 cm GSD ≈ 1500 km2 for this example http://pnoa.ign.es/
INSPIRE features types Orthoimageries INSPIRE features types OrthoimageCoverage (OI) AggregatedMosaicElement (OI) ISO 19123 Coverages INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model INSPIRE Orthoimagery
Orthoimageries ISO 19123 “Coverage”: Function from spatiotemporal domain to an attribute range. Image is a function of radiance values RangeType: RecordType: Data values description (type of phenomenon described by the coverage, nº bits, etc.) CoverageFunction: Description of grid function (ordering of file, origin point, etc.) DomainSet: Description of grid nature (images coordinates, axis, resolution, etc.) RangeSet: Data values (pixels values). There are different alternatives to be provided 1) In line GML (gml:DataBlock element) 2) GML + binary format file 3) GML (gml:FileElement) + image file 4) GML + WCS (GetCoverage operation over DomainSet ) For this example
Working with INSPIRE GML in FME FME manages: readers (input) ►transformers (operators) ► writers (output) Since FME 2014 there is reader/writer INSPIRE GML format Selection of INSPIRE theme and application schema package
FME workflow Orthoimageries Aggregated Mosaic Element (general att.) SHP reader (PNOA) Input of the process XML metadata file (PNOA). To read it FME needs a reader configuration file xfMap Orthoimageries, Aggregated Mosaic Element (geometry and GML writer) Output of the process Aggregated Mosaic Element (general att.) Coverage (general att. from the INSPIRE theme) and domain extent ISO Coverage (rangeType) needs a csv file to define the grid bands ISO Coverage (rangeSet, gridFunction, domainSet and footprint) FME workflow
Orthoimageries Domain Extent. It is needed to build manually the GML fragment with FME for those especial values not specified in INSPIRE
Orthoimageries Range type specifies the allowed and description data values for pixels
Orthoimageries Coverage Function
Orthoimageries Domain Set describes the grid nature (e.g. resolution, origin, etc.)
Range Set provides the pixels values Orthoimageries Range Set provides the pixels values
Result for OI
Conclusions FME is able to create INSPIRE GML, but needs high advanced experience working with XML Open issues RangeSet provided by external file does not seem the best solution because is pointed to a local resource, better through a WCS To allow more file formats (tiff, geotiff, jpeg2000, etc.) currently used for dealing with big volume of grid datasets Transformation of reference system/grid system implies re-sampling the original image values, and time/effort consuming for data providers Some proposed ISO/INSPIRE attributes for coverages are just present in metadata files (ISO19115-1,-2). Complete INSPIRE validation
Julián Delgado Hernández Land Cover and Land Use department jdhernandez@fomento.es