National Watershed Management Project – “Neeranchal” Overview of Key Tasks 16th January, 2013
Key tasks in preparing the project… National Level; State Level; and World Bank – Task Team Level.
National Level Establishment of Project Implementation Unit means having the core staffs in position; Setting-up of the PIU Office in New Delhi Preparation of various operational manuals which includes mainly the Project Implementation Plan; Financial Management Manual and the Procurement Manual; Preparation of guidance notes/ guidelines on various aspects for States to move forward on the preparation of project; Finalization of studies like Environmental and Social Assessment, Institutional Implementation and Capacity Assessment of States; Landscape Watershed Planning; and Conduct consultation workshops as may be needed as input for finalization of project documentation.
State Level Establishment of directorate or agency as appropriate for implementation of watershed management programs; Finalization of the possible implementation structure with staffing requirements at various levels keeping Neeranchal outcomes in perspective; Obtaining required clearances for establishment of a dedicated implementation structure for implementation of Neeranchal in the State; Instituting the Project Implementation Unit which means having a dedicated full-time director with and core staff; Provision for dedicated funds for preparation and initiation of Neeranchal activities in the State; Delineations of location/areas within IWMP identified areas for intensive inputs under Neeranchal; Indicate specific changes required in the current systems and implementation arrangements that would be necessary to move towards the IWMP goals; and Defining the business process and standards for efficiently implementing the project;
WB – Task Team Level Activation of PROFOR and DFID-Trust Fund as support for preparation of project; Develop a schedule of activities to be undertaken in the coming three months and agree with DOLR for preparation of the project; Undertake preparation missions along with DoLR and visits to States for finalization and agree on the overall project design; Make available and provide technical assistance for preparation for the project as per need and demand; Appraise all documents prepared as outputs for preparation of the project; Finalize the PAD and other required documents that is required to ready for project appraisal and negotiations; and Process the project within the World Bank system for taking it for board approval;
Thank you!