Transition in progress Out & Equal Workplace Summit October 5, 2016
Today’s presenters Chris Crespo Ernst & Young LLP Clark Ly Microsoft Director, Americas Inclusiveness Release Manager, Xbox Global Publishing Lives in Pennsylvania Lives in Washington Jeff Shade Ernst & Young LLP Riley Cable Ernst & Young LLP Senior, Assurance Services Senior, Tax Services Lives in Grand Rapids, MI Lives in Colorado
EY: who we are Global professional services 230,000 people in 728 offices in 150 countries Building a better working world for our people, our clients and our communities Unity is our LGBTA global network with over 4,200 members and 50 chapters globally
About Microsoft GLEAM – Gay Lesbian Employees At Microsoft is the second oldest ERG at Microsoft. The GLEAM Board of Directors’ continually partners with Microsoft’s Benefits team to advocate for Transgender benefits. In 2003 and 2004, Microsoft covered hormone therapy, outpatient mental health services billed as transgender and medical office visits to plan medical care and monitor hormone treatment. In 2006, the official transgender benefit services was implemented (including surgical services). This initially had a $15K lifetime maximum per person. In 2011, the lifetime maximum was removed. In 2015, benefits for out-of-network transgender benefit services was paid at the same percentage of allowed charges after the deductible as that of in-network services. Clark
Agenda 1 Importance of trans* visibility Transition success 2 How employers can be supportive How to be an ally – TransGender Diversity Collaborating on leading practices 2 3 4 5
Importance of Trans* visibility Seniority not required The changing corporate climate Being Trans* at Work means being successful Visibility as a Company as a whole and as an individual Gender fluidity/spectrum included! Changes over the past 10 years
Day of the announcement Transition success Advance preparation The first day Riley and Clark - Share personal stories Day of the announcement
How employers can be supportive Policies Anti-discrimination/harassment Dress code Philanthropy Benefits Health/welfare plans Leave management Facilities Name change Chris
How to be an ally As an individual Listen, educate, ask and avoid mistakes As an individual Open dialogue, set boundaries and enforce policies As a leader Advocate, create policies and adhere to zero-tolerance As a business/employer Out anyone, cross boundaries and allow bullying What NOT to do Start conversations, embrace uniqueness and ask for help What’s next Jeff leads with all supporting You want to spread awareness and educate coworkers on topics and issues facing transgender individuals Suggested Steps: 1) Organize a workshop for the office focusing on trans* topics. You can contact your local or regional Unity leader to access the PowerPoint presentation, “Tips for Trans Allies.” This presentation covers objectives including how to: Articulate why we must have a dialogue about being allies and advocates alongside trans* people Create a safe space to learn about being trans* and/or gender nonconforming Learn the terminology often used around the multiplicity of identities Feel confident in being an ally You encounter your counselee or staff member being subject to discrimination based on their gender identity If you witness or become aware of someone in your office being discriminated against based on their gender identity, you should bring the matter to the attention of local HR immediately. EY has a worldwide policy of nondiscrimination and anti-harassment. Any individual that is violating this policy should be informed of their wrongdoing and brought in front of HR for evaluation. Ally to a Co-worker: Stand-up for your Trans co-worker Continue to be their friend Educate yourself (find resources other than the co-worker) Ally as an Employer/Leadership Role: Know the laws (Equality Act, City, State, Federal) Advocate for policies/procedures - what you can’t ask in interviews, etc. Adhere to and enforce policies/procedures Paperwork – make it easier to change docs at work Zero-tolerance for gossip, hurtful behavior Keep an open dialogue and show a genuine interest Clear boundaries (employee may see you as confidant) What NOT to do: Cross legal boundaries (interview, work place questions) Out anyone and/or Gossip Ask inappropriate questions (HIPAA, etc.) Mis-gender, use incorrect name (mistake vs. blatant) (I just can’t get this, its too hard to remember, I don’t understand...) Allow bullying Asking Questions – Avoiding Mistakes: Do you NEED to know or WANT to know? Pronouns Would you be comfortable if a stranger asked you that same question? Name - What’s your real name? What was your name? DON’T Ask if now they are Gay or Straight Don’t ask if/when they’ve had or going to have surgery. Immediate Impact after Conference – Takeaway Talk about this workshop Embrace uniqueness in others Make sure that your company/organization is LGBTQ friendly & Inclusive – Policy and Culture. Be ok with not knowing everyone’s Gender Identity Ask for Help (HRC, Ernst & Young, HR)
Collaborating on leading practices What do your companies do? What would you like to see your companies do? Why is it important to offer transgender resources to employees? Riley leads?
Enjoyed this workshop? Join us again! Workshop title Session Presenting Expanding allies beyond LGBT – leveraging intersections and sharing successes 1 EY, Bank of America Rainbow Recruiting 2.0: The Next Wave of LGBT Recruiting EY Talking ‘Bout My Generation: Generational Conflict & Collaboration in the Workplace 2 EY, Texas Instruments Executive sponsors: Use 'em or Lose 'em 5 EY, GE, Wells Fargo Successful introduction of corporate LGBT inclusion in Asia EY, JP Morgan Outward presentation: Executive presence meets authenticity 6 EY, PNC Chris?
Connect with us For more on: For more on: Diversity and inclusiveness at EY: LGBTA resource: Making it real — globally Search on Jeff? Twitter: @EY_CareersUS Careers Explore EY: See what life at EY is really like
EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit Ernst & Young LLP is a client-serving member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited operating in the US. © 2016 Ernst & Young LLP. All Rights Reserved. 1609-2051335 ED None This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice.