Important! The stories from Genesis 2.4-11 all have to do with the reoccurring theme of sin, punishment, and something else?
Homework! Read the Mesopotamian Creation account handout
Second Creation Story Who are the main characters in the Second Creation Story? How do we identify them? What do we think of them? What are some of the lessons from the Second Creation Story? What do we think of God in the Second Creation Story?
Insights from the Second Creation Story Genesis 2.5-6 Geographical differences from Gen 1 account?
Insights from the Second Creation Story “The Lord God formed man from the clay of the earth” -Genesis 2.7 This “LORD God” is more anthropomorphic than the Gen 1 “God.” Anthropomorphic- attribution of human characteristics to nonhumans
Insights from the Second Creation Story Humans are social creatures. We need companionship!
Insights from the Second Creation Story Genesis 2.24 What is v.24 saying about human relationships?
Insights from the Second Creation Story Genesis 3.1 “felt no shame” What does this mean? Who does it remind you of?
Insights from the Second Creation Story Genesis 3:6-7
Insights from the Second Creation Story Genesis 3.6 Physical Aesthetic Intellectual
Who’s Fault is it?? Man Woman Serpent
Be Careful! For years the story of humanity’s fall was interpreted as all Eve’s fault. What might be some of the dangers of this interpretation? Did Eve hear God’s commandment?
Insights from the Second Creation Story Humans are not perfect and we have free will. Sometimes we fall to temptation.
Insights from the Second Creation Story Genesis 3:21 This is the compassion!
Insights from the Second Creation Story Genesis 3:22-24
Insights from the Second Creation Story Though we sometimes wish we were, humans are not meant to be God.
Insights from the Second Creation Story Original Sin: From the Latin origo, meaning “beginning” or “birth.” -the fallen state of human nature that affects every person born into the world.
Be Careful! A common question is why God would build temptation and failure into the system by planting a forbidden tree. How would you answer this dilemma?
Insights from the Second Creation Story Even after we sin, God still wants a relationship with us.
What do YOU Think? When you were reading the SecondCreation Story, did you have any questions or issues? Any confusing passages? Anything unexpected?