18.3 New Civil Rights Issues
Lesson Objectives 1. The students will be able to discuss the Kerner Commission. 2. The students will be able to discuss why economic rights became an issue for the Civil Rights Movement. 3. The students will be able to explain the Black Power Movement and it's effects on the African American community.
A. Urban Problems 1. 1965: 70% lived in the cities. 2. Trapped in the cities. a. Lack of meaningful work. b. Average income: 55% of white income. c. Unemployment rate, double that of whites.
B. Watts Riot 1. Neighborhood in L.A. 2. Allegations of police brutality. a. Lasted 6 days b. 14,000 National Guard Members c. 1,500 Police Officers
3. Riots Across America a. Worst in Detroit, 1967 i. 43 deaths, 1,000 wounded ii. Army used to end riot
C. Kerner Commission 1. Study to see what caused the riots. 2. Racism key reason. 3. Recommendations to stop riots. a. Create 2 mil inner-city jobs. b. 6 mil units of public housing c. Federal commitment to fight de facto segregation
D. Shift to Economic Rights 1. Felt non-violence did not help economic rights 2. Dr. King to Chicago, issue of poverty a. Moved into Chicago slum
3. Chicago Movement a. March through the Marquette neighborhood. i. Met by a mob ii. Mayor Richard J. Daley met with MLK Jr. iii. Created a program w/ MLK Jr, never used.
Explain the effects of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on the African American Community.
E. Black Power 1. Young, urban blacks turn from Dr. King. 2. New aggressive strategies: a. Arm themselves b. Separate areas for African Americans to live.
3. CORE & SNCC, expel white members. 4. Stressed pride in African American culture. 5. Dr. King did not agree w/ black power. a. Popular in poor neighborhoods
F. Malcolm X 1. Symbol of black power movement. 2. Nation of Islam a. Black Muslims b. Black Nationalism c. Live in separate community. 3. Advocated self- defense.
4. Broke w/ Black Muslims in '64. 5. Traveled to Makkah (Mecca). a. **Integrated society is possible. 6. Shot and killed, Feb. 1965.
G. Black Panthers 1. Influenced by Malcolm X 2. Revolution necessary 3. Force whites to grant them their rights.
H. King Assassinated 1. April 4th, 1968 a. Memphis, Tenn. b. Started riots in over 100 cities. 2. Civil Rights Act of 1968, passed after death. 3. Movement slowed after his death.