Math 6 – 12 Content networking November 2014
welcome Please sit at your grade level table. Network: CLIU Public Wiki:
Agenda PDE Update Assessment Documents Exploration Sharing What Works Professional Reading Check These Out! Collaboration Next Steps
Quick Overview 2015 PSSA Changes Keystone Exams: no change PSSA Science: no change PSSA Reading: now combined with Writing as PSSA ELA with separate booklet and testing window PSSA Writing: now combined with Reading as PSSA ELA with separate booklet and testing window PSSA Math: now PSSA Math with separate booklet and testing window
2015 PSSA Changes PSSA Math Assessment 2015
Reporting Categories 2015 PSSA Changes A = Numbers and Operations — A‐T = Numbers and Operations in Base Ten (Grades 3–5) — A‐F = Numbers and Operations – Fractions (Grades 3–5) — A‐N = The Number System (Grades 6–8) — A‐R = Ratios and Proportional Relationships (Grades 6, 7) B = Algebraic Concepts — B‐O = Operations and Algebraic Thinking (Grades 3–5) — B‐E = Expressions and Equations (Grades 6–8) — B‐F = Functions (Grade 8) C = Geometry — C‐G = Geometry (Grades 3–8) D = Data Analysis and Probability — D‐M = Measurement and Data (Grades 3–5) — D‐S = Statistics and Probability (Grades 6–8)
2015 PSSA Changes Item Types and Points All grades:
2015 PSSA Changes
2015 PSSA Changes Math 2015
2015 PSSA Changes Math 2015
PSSA Documents Test Design Item and Scoring Samplers Scoring Guidelines & Formula Sheets
Keystone Exams Documents Item and Scoring Samplers: 2014
Webb’s Depth of knowledge More DOK Levels 2 & 3 overall Open-ended DOK Levels 2 & 3 Wiki: Math – Higher Order Thinking
Other assessments SAT Revisions AP Revisions Spring 2016 College Board Site AP Revisions
Table talk Grades 6-8: PSSAs Grades 9-12: Keystones, SATs or AP What changes have you made this year to prepare students for the new PSSAs? OR to be proactive for high school assessments (Keystones, SATs, etc.)? What are the strengths and weaknesses of your current assessments? What changes will you still need to make based on this information? What knowledge & skills do you need/want enhanced to make these changes?
table talk report-out Summarize discussion Share top two needs What has already been done What changes need to make Share top two needs
Livebinder Create a FREE account Introduction to Livebinder
Check these out! Inside Mathematics: Problems of the Month Achieve the Core: Annotated Tasks NCTM: Illuminations Now aligned to CCSS – look for tab and search by grade Mathematics Assessment Project: Tasks
Professional reading Individually: Choose one article & read it Table Groups: Discuss highlights and insights Share out
Sharing ideas What is working? Strategies Activities Resources Other ideas
Collaboration Common Need Common Grade Common School/District
Next steps SHARE back in your school & district. Determine your needs & let me know what they are. USE the Wiki.
Thank you for coming! Please follow the evaluation link on the wiki. See you next time: March 2, 2015