Global data structure definitions Arturo de la Fuente Eurostat
What is ? Standard for statistical data and metadata transmissions Necessary for (transmissions feeding) global SEEA databases SDMX is applicable to any statistical domain But we need to create data structure definitions (DSDs) for SEEA data International agencies are concerned, countries too? The SDMX technical specifications and guidelines are publicly available. SDMX is not just a format for data exchange, it is also a set of guidelines, IT architecture and tools to improve statistical business processes
SDMX solutions for countries Voluntary implementation(*) Options use a questionnaire, e.g. in Excel, with a converter which generates SDMX files for transmission. Converter supplied by the international agency generate a csv file from the country production database using a specific tool set up automatic machine-to-machine communication between country and international agency The converter may be integrated behind-the-scenes embedded in the questionnaire or be a standalone application (*) Mandatory in the EU
SEEA priority accounts for global databases Air emission accounts Material flow accounts Energy flow accounts Water flow accounts Land cover and land use accounts
Technical group developing DSDs OECD, Eurostat, FAO, UNSD, UNECE, UNEP Blend of SEEA experts and IT experts Meetings in June, July and September 2017 Tasks: Identified SEEA flows for priority accounts Creates data model, dimensions, attributes Creates code lists Concepts can be cross-domain (such as units, time) or domain-specific (such as air pollutants for air emission accounts). Concepts that identify the data correspond to dimensions in a data cube, whereas concepts that provide additional information on the data are attributes. Once the concepts are identified, one code list must be drawn for each concept.
Global SEEA flows
Data model: the matrix
Code lists (selected) Greenhouse gases and air pollutants Material flows Energy flows Water flows Land cover Land use 'Interactors' i.e. industries + households Bridging items
Some data model principles (1/2) Stocks vs flows Re-using and extending national accounts code lists Flows 'env economy' and 'economy env' Production-based vs demand-based ('footprints') flows (air emissions, materials, energy and water) and one is about stocks and changes in stocks (land accounts). It was decided to distinguish flows from stocks (including inflows, outflows, opening stocks, closing stocks, etc.), and supply from use with the same approach as in the DSDs for national accounts
Some data model principles (2/2) Need for explicit codes for a few important MFA aggregates? Not strictly needed for IT but needed for humans?
Next steps Dec 2017: Approval to launch tests and public consultation ('review') Early 2018: Actual launch tests and consultation Mid 2018(?): Publication of v1.0 and ready to go
Questions for London Group Check code lists in the document! Discuss need for codes for MFA aggregates Volunteer for consultation and tests
Thank you!