Using data to assist job seekers Good Morning – Last year I was sitting in the audience along with you as a front-line staff person. I know so much more now than I did last year … I predict that our “improving workforce development efforts” will be a fruitful journey. I have great faith in the knowledge and insight of all of you. There is no other group that I would rather work with! Delaware One-Stop System Convening - 5/17/17 Presented by Hope Ellsworth, One-Stop System Operator
Your one-stop operator Job Center Coordinator @ Sussex County Libraries Facilitator for TANF Local Team Meetings DDDS Training Admin. Cert. in Perf. Improve. Mgmt. from UD Judge: DE Quality & ASQ Team Excellence Awards So my title is One-Stop Operator … because that is the title the Feds gave it. Enough said. Bill gave you a run down of my recent experience and this slide shows more of my background. Let’s just say that I feel like I am the perfect storm of training and experience for this One-Stop Operator position. Let’s keep the HUMAN in services
Goal of Session: data is our friend! Enough about me and … onto this presentation. Right now, I hope to give you some solid evidence of how data can help job seekers. We should be using data to help guide our thinking – it can be a powerful tool. But let me add that I am still learning how to use the data that we’ll need to look at. So, today, I simply want to share some initial thoughts with you. HOW DO WE KNOW THINGS ARE BETTER?
Ofc of occupational & labor mkt info OOLMI Key source - labor market conditions in DE Produces labor market reports OOLMI … A key source of labor market information. As we move forward with this front-line staff improvement process and begin the monthly Team meetings, we’ll also be examining data from Partner Programs (such as educational programs). But today we look at labor market data.
Our focus today From the Office of Occupational and Labor Market … 2014 – 2024 Projections
Occupation & industry projections A new report every 2 years (last 7/2016) DE: projected to have 37,150 more jobs in 2024 than in 2014 Next 10 year projection report will not be out until July 2018 …
1. projections by occupational group Projections for 478 occupations Focus is on total # of jobs filled, by type of job The first section lists types of jobs by the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code
This first chart in the report would be helpful, for example, to those who have an urgent need to find a job in order to get some initial income coming in. This chart breaks out openings due to growth (jobs that weren’t there before) or due to replacements (otherwise known as turnover) or both. This is a starting point as we learn more about industries that are growing, unchanging or declining, along with those categories with a high level of turnover.
There are 16 pages of this data for individual occupation categories. This screen shot is for the Office & Administrative Support Category. Note: job availability, OJT and skill level … many differences This is just a start of info for a job seeker. For example, we would also want to know the differences by county [sojt=ST OJT; MOJT=Med. OJT; LOJT=LT OJT
2. Projections by Career Cluster US DOE developed to help students with career planning Data is organized by projected growth, by “career clusters” The second section in this report … same occupational categories, but grouped differently. Career cluster category was developed by DOE – as a “PATHWAY” to help students link education with career plans. This report section focuses on job openings by growth and replacement.
Benefits of sorting data Now we’re going to look at the Career Cluster data from Section 2 of the report, while also talking about the benefits of sorting data. When I look at this chart, NOT MUCH jumps out at me… there is so much “jumbled” info BUT WHEN WE SORT… LET SEE HOW THE INFO APPEARS Benefits of sorting data
Sorting by wage, let’s us see where people can start to make what is being termed “living wages”. We can start to give job seekers an idea of what they might be able to make in certain occupations. Sorted by wage
Sorted by total # of openings This shows total openings – including filling current jobs AND new jobs – a combination What if we want to see the growth in a certain career cluster…. Sorted by total # of openings
Then we could sort by the total number of NEW jobs – or areas of growth in an industry This afternoon, I’ll be talking about the new Local One-Stop Teams. One of the discussions in these upcoming team meetings will be to discuss: HOW DO WE KNOW IF THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER? Actually, we are expecting you to give us some awesome ideas, today. By # of new jobs
New One-Stop Teams What should we look at to see if things are getting better for job seekers? Not just numbers and not just aimed at job seekers… Stories – When I worked with the Div. of Libraries, we learned so much from stories about people we helped… So this question (on slide) is one of the focuses as I begin my work on front-line staff continuous improvement efforts.
online resources - oolmi Let me quickly share the website to get SO MUCH more labor market data. Paper copies of these reports are available on the resource table
online resources
March 2017 jobs by sector
Staying Current 1. provides a quick & easy-to-read way to get an update; 2. March 2017 edition provides great data on education & unemployment rates
You now know how to find me… This afternoon, I’ll be discussing the start of Local One-Stop Team meetings. One of the first meeting discussion topics will be to identify other related data that will help to show us ... HOW DO WE KNOW THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER FOR JOB SEEKERS? Remember to give us your ideas on the feedback wall…