Priorities for FY 2004 and Beyond: Building and Managing E-Government Dan Chenok Branch Chief for Information Policy and Technology Office of Management and Budget Executive Office of the President September 20, 2018
Citizen-Centered, Results-Oriented, Market-based Expanding E-Government Enables the U.S. Federal Government to Move From Agency-centered to Citizen-centered The Vision: an order of magnitude improvement in the federal government’s value to the citizen; with decisions in minutes or hours, not weeks or months. E-Government Definition: the use of digital technologies to transform government operations in order to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and service delivery. The Principles: Citizen-Centered, Results-Oriented, Market-based Integral component of President’s Management Agenda Simplify and Unify September 20, 2018
Lesson Learned: Citizen-centered Initiatives can work, but No Magic Formula Exists Managing Partner GSA EPA Treas HHS SBA DOC Government to Citizen Managing Partner GSA TREAS DoEd DOI Labor Government to Business 1. Federal Asset Sales 2. Online Rulemaking Management 3. Simplified and Unified Tax and Wage Reporting 4. Consolidated Health Informatics 5. Business Compliance One Stop 6. International Trade Process Streamlining 1. USA Service 2. Free File 3. Online Access for Loans 4. Recreation One Stop 5. GovBenefits E-Authentication Government to Government Internal Effectiveness and Efficiency Managing Partner OPM GSA NARA Managing Partner SSA HHS DHS DOI 1. e-Training 2. Recruitment One Stop 3. Enterprise HR Integration (includes e-Clearance) 4. e-Travel 5. Integrated Acquisition 6. e-Records Management 7. Payroll Processing 1. e-Vital 2. e-Grants 3. Disaster Management 4. Geospatial Information One Stop 5. SAFECOM September 20, 2018
G2C One-stop access to information and services of almost 200 government programs representing more than $1 trillion in annual benefits. GovBenefits receives over 500,000 visitors per month and is listed as one of USA Today’s “Hot Sites.” IRS Free Filing: Over 78 million Americans can file their taxes online for free beginning in the 2003 tax filing season. The website is the first phase. You can now find benefit programs online, file for free, or plan your camping trip online… Provides citizens with one-stop online access to America’s National Parks and public recreation areas. The web site includes links to 1900 federal parks with over 750,000 site visitors per month. September 20, 2018
G2B Makes it quicker and easier for citizens and small businesses to search and comment on hundreds of proposed rules and to participate in the federal rulemaking process via the web. Fed Asset Sales: Creates a single, one-stop access point for businesses to find and buy government assets. September 20, 2018
G2G Provides federal, state, and local emergency managers online access to disaster management related information, planning and response tools. Pilot launch of website,, on 11/25/02. Emergency responders have used web simulations in over 60 exercises via DM Will be launched on 10/30/03, creates a single, online portal for all federal grant customers to access and apply for grants, thus making it easier for potential recipients to obtain information about federal grants. September 20, 2018
IEE USA Jobs: Outsources delivery of the USAJOBS Federal Employment Information System to deliver state-of-the-art on-line recruitment services to job seekers including intuitive job searching, on-line resume submission, applicant data mining, and on-line feedback on status and eligibility. Considered the number one most visited e-training site in the world providing more than 35 million visitors with over one million e-training courses and e-books, and career development resources. Already over 25,000 federal employees have used the site at the cost of pennies per course. Integrated Acquisition: Helps federal agencies cost-effectively acquire quality goods and services by providing one-stop access to a catalogue of interagency vendor contacts and a record of vendor past performance. E-Payroll: Helps federal agencies migrate from about 22 present payroll service providers to 4 payroll partnerships with a projected total lifecycle savings of $995 million. September 20, 2018
Furthers many of the 24 Presidential E-Gov initiatives E-Gov Act Signed December 2002, Effective April 2003 Codifies OMB’s role: E-Gov Administrator and Office of E-Government Codifies CIO Council Agencies develop citizen and productivity-related performance measures to support agency objectives, strategic goals, and mandates. Focus on privacy and citizen engagement Endorses and requires agencies to support cross agency e-gov initiatives Furthers many of the 24 Presidential E-Gov initiatives Reference Chris at event – If he’s there, he can tell the story September 20, 2018
Federal IT Investment Portfolio for 2004: Requested at $59 Billion (dollars in billions) 2004 Request $52.6 $1.6 $5.1 $3.9 2003 Updated $52.6 $1.6 2003 Base $52.6 $48.0 $50.0 $52.0 $54.0 $56.0 $58.0 $60.0 Base Better Reporting Homeland Security, War on Terrorism, and Other Modernization Increase September 20, 2018
Business Cases Drive Performance Improvement Agency’s IT Budget Submission Business Cases Clear Performance Gap IT will address? Should the Federal Government perform this function? Support the PMA and is it collaborative? Yes Yes Yes Clear performance goals and measures tied to the business? Part of the Modernization Blueprint? 3 Viable Alternatives for closing the performance gap? Performance Based Acquisition and Contracts? Yes Yes Yes Yes Strong Risk Management Plan? Project Management Plan with milestones? Addresses Security and Privacy? $ Life-Cycle Costs are well planned and appropriate? Yes Yes Yes Yes September 20, 2018
Key Elements Of The FY03 and FY04 IT Agenda Driving results & productivity growth: IT and management reform investments that create an order of magnitude improvement in value to the citizen, especially homeland security info sharing and knowledge flow IT Cost Controls: Consolidation of redundant and overlapping investments, Single Business Case for Infrastructure (DOL a model), Enterprise Licensing, Fixing cost overruns, Competing away excess IT Services charges E-Gov Act implementation: Government wide architecture governance, including web-based strategies for improving access to high quality information and services Cyber Security: Desktop, data, applications, networks, threat and vulnerability focused, business continuity, privacy protection IT workforce: Conduct training and recruitment to obtain project management skills, strategic CIO staff, and architects that have a Passion for Solutions September 20, 2018
The Federal Enterprise Architecture will drive consolidation and transformation Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Performance Reference Model (PRM) Government-wide Performance Measures & Outcomes Line of Business-Specific Performance Measures & Outcomes Business Reference Model (BRM) Lines of Business Agencies, Customers, Partners Business-Driven Approach Component-Based Architecture Service Component Reference Model (SRM) Capabilities and Functionality Services and Access Channels Data Reference Model (DRM) Business-focused data standardization Cross-Agency Information exchanges Technical Reference Model (TRM) IT Services Standards September 20, 2018
What Will the FEA Reference Models Do? Provide consistent definitions and constructs of the business, performance and technology of the Federal Government. Serve as a foundation to leverage existing processes, capabilities, components and technologies to build target enterprise architectures. Facilitate cross-agency analysis and the identification of duplicative investments, gaps, and opportunities for collaboration within and across Federal Agencies. September 20, 2018
The Business Reference Model describes the Lines of Business of the Federal Government, independent of the agencies Services for Citizens Mode of Delivery Support Delivery of Services* Management of Government Resources Legislative Relations Public Affairs Regulatory Development Planning and Resource Allocation Controls and Oversight Revenue Collection Internal Risk Mgmt and Mitigation Government Service Delivery Direct Services for Citizens Knowledge Creation and Mgmt Public Goods Creation and Mgmt Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement Financial Vehicles Federal Financial Assistance Credit and Insurance Transfers to States & Local Gov’ts Financial Management Human Resource Management Supply Chain Management Administrative Management Information and Technology Management Defense and National Security Homeland Security Intelligence Operations Law Enforcement International Affairs and Commerce Litigation and Judicial Activities Correctional Activities Environmental Management Natural Resources Disaster Management Community and Social Services Economic Development Workforce Management General Science and Innovation Education Energy Health Transportation Income Security General Government Version 2.0 of the BRM includes: 4 Business Areas 39 Lines of Business 153 Sub-functions September 20, 2018 Page 14
Service Component Reference Model (SRM) The SRM is structured across horizontal and vertical service areas that can provide – independent of business function – a leverageable foundation for reuse of applications, application capabilities, components, functions, and business services. Service Types Customer Services Process Automation Services Business Management Services Common Services Cross-Cutting Service Areas (i.e., Search, Security) Digital Asset Services Service Components Business Analytical Services Back Office Services Service Layers September 20, 2018
The SRM framework is comprised of three (3) inter-related “service-orientated” tiers – each of which describes capabilities in greater levels of granularity Service Domain --- Business Analytical Services The collection of business oriented service categories that align service / component capabilities to a level in which they support the objectives and performance of the business. 7 Service Domains Service Types --- Analysis and Statistic A collection of business-driven, service types (or categories) that assist the Service Layer in accomplishing of mission and/or performance objectives. Level of Granularity 27 Service Types Service Components --- Simulation The collection of components and/or capabilities that support the Service Type. 143 Service Components September 20, 2018
Business Analytical Services Defines the set of capabilities supporting the extraction, aggregation, and presentation of information to facilitate decision analysis and business evaluation. Analysis and Statistics Visualization Modeling Predictive Simulation Mathematical Structural, Thermal Graphing, Charting Imagery Multimedia Mapping / Geospacial CAD Business Intelligence Reporting Risk Management Demand Forecasting / Mgmt Balanced Scorecard Decision Support and Planning Data Mining Ad-Hoc Standardized / Canned OLAP Simulation: Defines the set of capabilities that support the representation of the interaction betweeen real-world objectives September 20, 2018
The FEA is being constructed through a set of inter-related “reference models” designed to improve performance and facilitate information sharing and collaboration Performance Reference Model (PRM) Outcomes, Measurements, Metrics Business Reference Model ( BRM ) Service Component Reference Model ( SRM ) Technical Reference Model ( TRM ) Support Delivery of Services Rule Publication Technologies Platforms J2EE .NET Windows NT Knowledge Mgmt CRM Content Mgmt Collaboration Search Portal Personalization Regulatory Management Policy and Guidance Devel. Public Comment Tracking Regulatory Development Rule Publication Data Mgmt ODBC JDBC Business Logic Business lines and functions Enabling capabilities, components, and services Supporting technology and standards Data and Information Reference Model (DRM) Classification, Categorization, XML, Sharing Component-Based Architecture September 20, 2018 Service Layers Service Types Service Components Page 18
Identifying and analyzing opportunities along business lines Priority areas: opportunities to leverage IT and achieve outcome goals Business Management: Federal accounting practices and procedures Human Resources: information activities associated with employee recruitment, management and separation Criminal Investigations: systems that support criminal investigative activities Public Health Monitoring: activities associated with monitoring public health and the spread of disease September 20, 2018 Page 19
SmartBUY: Enterprise Licensing Governmentwide “enterprise software licensing” Initiative is called SmartBUY for “Software Managed and Acquired on the Right Terms” – Goal is $100 mn in savings Objective: aggregate requirements and resources to make Federal buying more efficient, while maintaining value and quality Launch team looking at software categories that may include: Office automation Database Antivirus Network management September 20, 2018
Overcoming Chronic Problems Requires a Passion for Solutions! Joint Business Cases Authentication Enterprise Architecture LOB Ownership Security Data Standardization Teamwork Citizens Get Value & Agencies Get Green Strategic Alignment Federal IT Investment Portfolio Process Improvement e-Gov Policy Capital Planning Project Management Cross- Information Sharing Privacy September 20, 2018