Nat. Rev. Nephrol. doi:10.1038/nrneph.2015.206 Figure 1 Design of a multicentre randomized controlled trial in rodents Figure 1 | Design of a multicentre randomized controlled trial in rodents. To improve the applicability of findings from interventional studies in rodents to randomized controlled trials in humans, robust clinical trial design must be adapted for rodent studies. Animals that fulfil predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria should be centrally randomized to receive different treatments that are administered in a blinded manner. Blinded evaluation of samples shipped from multiple centres to a core facility generates a high threshold for therapeutic effects and avoids investigator bias. A drug with proven efficacy under these rigorous conditions might be more likely to produce similar outcomes in a similarly designed trial in humans. Anders, H.-J. et al. (2016) Hurdles to the introduction of new therapies for immune-mediated kidney diseases Nat. Rev. Nephrol. doi:10.1038/nrneph.2015.206