Year-End Documentation of School Counselor Evaluation Barbara Brady, PhD - School Counseling Coordinator Office of Instruction Randall Kirk, Assistant Director Office of Information Systems
What hard copies should school counselors keep? During the 2012-13 school year demonstration/pilot site school counselors will complete and file paper/electronic copies of the following evaluation documents: Self-reflection (using rubrics and Program Audit) Initial Goal Setting Meeting Notes Mid-year Meeting Notes (if applicable) Standard Element Goal Setting Form Student Impact Goal Setting Form Evidence Observations (if applicable) Only the Year-End Summative rating will be completed on the online evaluation system.
During the 2012-13 school year, only the Year-End Summative rating will be completed FOR SCHOOL COUNSELORS on the online evaluation system. The next few slides provide a step-by-step walk through of the process of completing the end-of-year summative assessment for school counselors on the online system.
In order for counselors and principals to access the counselor information on the online evaluation system in each school, each counselor must have and use a WVEIS WOW ID. #. It is important for counselors/principals to work with your RESA WVEIS Contact to ensure that you locate or acquire your WVEIS WOW ID number, if you have not already done so. PLEASE NOTE: There is a clear difference between the employee id and user id. The user id is assigned for employee access to WVEIS WOW. The employee id is used for all other work and payroll identification. This is not the WVEIS WOW ID. Counselors use a different ID for logging into WVEIS WOW. When counselors sign-in to WOW if prompted to do enter an ID, they have not yet been assigned a WOW ID. If counselors are not prompted for the employee id when accessing WVEIS WOW it is because they have already provided previously. If counselors do not know their ID or do not have one, contact your County WVEIS Contact to locate or create your ID.
Go to screen http://WVEIS. k12. wv. us Go to screen . Click on “sign-on to WVEIS on the Web”.
After logging in you will land here After logging in you will land here. Click on Menus in the upper left corner to proceed.
Enter Employee ID. It you don’t know your employee ID, check your paystub or contact your WVEIS County contact.
Click on Educator Evaluation.
This is your next landing screen that shows all pilot and demonstration schools. If your school doesn’t appear you are not using this evaluation during the 2012-13 school year. From this screen, principals will click on progressions in order to identify counseling staff.
Principals will identify the counselor by marking the appropriate bubble similar to how principals identify teachers to their appropriate progression.
Principal will click on Evaluation 2013 under Evaluations Counselors Principal will click on Evaluation 2013 under Evaluations Counselors. Principal will then click on ‘Add an Evaluation”.
Principals will land on this screen and will evaluate the counselor on each standard element and the two goals using a process similar to the teacher evaluation. The principal and counselor will refer to the standard element rubrics, any evidence, and the Program Audit during the end of the year meeting when the summative rating is recorded. The process can be completed in one setting or during multiple settings. If the principal leaves this screen before the evaluation the evaluation is complete, hit save in order to commit the data to the database. Once the evaluation is complete and ready for the counselor review, the principal must finalize the evaluation by clicking on the check box.
This screen allows the principal to modify an evaluation that is in progress or to review finalized evaluations. Once the evaluation is completed, the counselor can log in and go to this screen to review and accept the evaluation.
This screen allows the counselor to review the evaluation, provide an addendum and to accept the evaluation. Once the counselor accepts the evaluation he/she can print the evaluation. However, the final summative rating score will not be available until school growth scores are tabulated.
What’s Next? Counselor online system is being completed but have not been made public. The complete counselor evaluation will be online this fall that allows counselors to: Complete Self-reflection Document Goals Document Evidence Review Principal observations (if applicable)