OSPInSight Without InSight … Its Just a Map
OSPInSight Without InSight … Its Just a Map and *Bing is a registered trademark and is used here only editorially, to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intent to infringe on the trademark.
OSPInSight Without InSight … Its Just a Map With the new Bing Maps integration… Its easier than ever before to create a network database as geo-spatially accurate as possible… Directly within OSPInSight. *Bing Maps is only available in MapInfo version 10.5 or newer.
OSPInSight Without InSight … Its Just a Map For example: Cable right-of-way, visible in Bing Existing cables in OSPInSight Adjust cable placement along otherwise difficult routes…
OSPInSight Without InSight … Its Just a Map Place poles accurately… Existing cable in OSPInSight Transmission towers, visible in Bing
OSPInSight Without InSight … Its Just a Map Correct building placement… Existing buildings in OSPInSight Actual building locations, visible in Bing
OSPInSight Without InSight … Its Just a Map According to Microsoft Employee Richard Brudritt Pushpins and polylines, polygons are defined using latitude/longitude coordinates, measured using the WGS84 spatial reference system. These coordinates represent an angle, measured at the center of the earth relative to the prime meridian and the equator. So, the distance covered by 1 degree (or 6 d.p. of a degree, if you prefer) depends where on the earth's surface you are. At the equator, where the distance along the earth's surface covered by one degree of longitude is greatest, 1 degree = approx 111.3km. So the "accuracy" of a pushpin coordinate given to of a degree corresponds to about 10cm. However, just because you're stating the coordinates with that degree of accuracy doesn't mean that they will be displayed with that degree of accuracy relative to, say, the satellite imagery map of the given location. There are inherent approximations in the data collection of any of the background map styles - satellite/road/or ortho-photo, which are captured at different resolutions from a variety of different data sources - which is why it's pretty pointless to state the coordinate location of a pushpin with very high accuracy, because it will exceed the accuracy of the background map anyway. There is no statement of "guarantee" of accuracy for Bing Maps - the accuracy is good enough for most consumer-mapping purposes, but I certainly wouldn't rely on it for a detailed specialist land survey, for example. Some comments to consider in regards to the accuracy of Bing maps …
OSPInSight Without InSight … Its Just a Map Remember… OSPInSight is only as accurate as your network database. Bing Maps can be a helpful tool in the critical process of adjusting your database to reflect reality. Use it.