Commissioner Service — Key Components in Providing a Quality Program Creating Accountability with Commissioners Rick Hillenbrand Council Commissioner National Capital Area Council
Accountability 101 - Where to Start Establish expectations Roles, Responsibilities & Expectations Position Descriptions Roles, Responsibilities & Expectations How many of you “interview” Commissioner candidates to establish Roles, Responsibilities & Expectations? Position Descriptions How many of you have PDs for 100% of your Commissioners Cabinet? For the CD of this session, I’ve provided you a copy of each PD for my Commissioners Cabinet – rather than reinventing the wheel, perhaps it can help you in establishing yours
Lead by example If your actions demonstrate you aren’t accountable …..You just set the real standard “Walk the talk” Encourage continuous, open dialog between “senior leaders” and “front line leaders” Visit your “units” (Service Areas, Districts) at roundtables, meetings, CAMPOREES, summer camp, etc. Talk to the “troops” (those not wearing silver/gold tabs) Be responsive Encourage continuous, open dialog between “senior leaders” and “front line leaders The order of how these two types of leaders is important – the senior leaders need to demonstrate through their actions that you have an environment that wants to hear the good and the bad and won’t “shoot the messenger.”
Hold people accountable You get what you measure Performance Tasks and Action Items Periodic performance evaluations and feedback Obtain commitments What do your meetings focus on? Your agenda documents what is important Meeting agenda triage Sometimes you can’t cover every topic Obtain commitments How many meetings have you sat in where there was a lot of “good” but no actions or follow up? You sat through an hour long meeting and nobody is in charge of getting the work done?
Be Human - be compassionate This is a volunteer position Motivational factors are not the same as a paid position Ask don’t tell More critical than when paid Lead by coaching and mentoring – not by driving Friendship and camaraderie Shared goals and objectives; a feeling of caring Success Breeds Success Establish a climate that publically recognizes success District Award of Merit & Silver Beaver nominations Lead by coaching and mentoring – not by driving This is true even when it is your paid job So back to my story…..
If All Else Fails…… When (not if or where) necessary, action is taken to improve performance Up to and including “FIRING” those that refuse to be accountable We don’t really fire volunteers. We reassign them to positions “More consistent with their available time, desires & strengths.” But you have to be able to “pull the trigger” However, be careful of: “Paralysis by analysis” “Buck-fever” Second chances work Reassignment
Four “Secrets” to Accountability Establish Expectations Obtain Commitments Measure Performance Reward Success Accountability is valuable to ensure the quality of the program at all levels, from top to bottom. In large organizations SELF POLICING accountability should be quasi-MANDATORY.