Clickers: Ready, Set, Assess Using Student Response Devices in Instruction Welcome, I’m ---------! In this training session you’ll have a chance to use HCC Clickers to respond anonymously to questions that are in a PowerPoint presentation. I’ll show you where to go to get the software you’ll need to add questions what you need to know about installation, how to make polling slides, how to get Clickers for your class, and how to run them during your class. Prep: Print handouts for attendees--IM Pub86- Clickers (TPv5.2)- Boot Camp.pdf Print this file as Notes pages, but only print slides 1-11. The remaining slides are just images to have to play with during a demo. Bring: This PPT for demonstration, a set of Clickers, printed handouts, sign-up sheet and evaluation forms. Training Setup: Plug in the Turning Point Receiver. Copy this PowerPoint file (Training- Clicker Boot Camp and Polling Demo.pptx) onto the desktop of the machine you are using. - Run TurningPoint and open this file. Open a web browser with three tabs HCC Home page Canvas course site Only show this 3rd tab if there is anyone in the room that will be installing on a desktop computer on-campus. IT’s site for on-campus office installations (myHCC) Tech News tab in the center of the screen, Link to IT documents Run this file Give each attendee a handout, a Clicker, a workshop evaluation form. (Go to next slide)
Let’s try Polling Let’s take a minute and try using the Clickers. The software we use to support polling with the clickers is Turning Point. Before we finish today, I will show you where to find the software so you may install it on campus or at home. (Go to next slide)
This is my first time using Clickers True False True or false questions are just one type of question you can insert into your PowerPoint presentation. To respond to this true or false question, press the number 1 or 2 on your clicker – which corresponds to the letters A or B. [once all have responded, show results and comment on them]
In which scenario are clickers appropriate to use Final Exam Warm –up activity Provoke discussion Review material Here’s another one. For this question, multiple responses are allowed. [run poll] All of the activities listed here work well with clickers EXCEPT the final exam. We’ll talk more about that in a bit.
Plan For Session Participate in a poll Explore uses of clickers in instruction Discuss merits of anonymous versus named polling Examine Turning Point Create a polling slide Import an existing PowerPoint (time permitting) Learn how to reserve clickers and download software Cautions/Best Practices So now that I have introduced you to the clicker technology, I wanted to share my plan for this session.
Use of Clickers in Instruction Build a sense of community Ice breaker questions Before new information is presented Test prior knowledge During the lesson Test understanding Provoke discussion After a lesson Use for test preparation Faculty use the clickers in a variety of ways. Some use them at the beginning of the semester to build a sense of community. Rather than ask each student to tell a bit about themselves, which can be time-consuming in some classes, pose some demographic or common interest questions to generate a sense of community and help break the ice. Use them before new information is presented to assess student’s prior knowledge and increase engagement with the topic. Use them during your lesson to test student’s understanding of the new information or to provoke discussion After you have completed a unit and are prepping students for a test. Let them see, in a low stakes way, what they know and don’t know.
Why Anonymous? Appropriate for purposes mentioned earlier Easier setup for teacher Easier to swap a clicker if there are tech difficulties Appropriate for purposes mentioned earlier Easier setup for teacher Easier to swap a clicker if there are tech difficulties
How Do You Create Polling Slides? May modify an existing PowerPoint May develop the entire presentation in Turning Point You can take an existing PowerPoint presentation and just add polling slides You try…..
Launch Turning Point Software Located under the Start button>Programs>Accessories>Turning Point Or An icon on the Desktop
Turning Point Home Screen
Choose Content Tab>Content>New>PowerPoint Students DO this step NOT instructor. Confirm that the students have generated a new PPT and are looking at a blank title slide. Acknowledge that they are using PowerPoint through the Turning Point software. Point out the tab. Have them type their name in the title placeholder. Then point out the New button in the upper left hand corner on the Turning Point tab. This is how we build polling slides. Have them click it and choose True or False. Instructor click New button and choose True False. Build question and point out the scoring options on the slide preference menu. Choose Content Tab>Content>New>PowerPoint
Enter Question Text True False
Favorite pet Dog Bird Turtle
What is the name of the bone that is on the tips of fingers? carpals metacarpals vertecarpals phalanges
In the Classroom The instructor machines throughout the college have TurningPoint v5.2 installed. You will find the TurningPoint icon on the desktop of all instructor machines. The instructor machines throughout the college have TurningPoint v5.2 installed. With the classroom setup you will find the TurningPoint icon on the desktop.
In the Classroom If TurningPoint cannot be found on the desktop. Go to the Start menu Go to the Accessories folder Go to Turningpoint Technologies folder Click on application to start program If TurningPoint cannot be found on the desktop. Go to the Start menu Go to the Accessories folder Go to Turningpoint Technologies folder Click on application to start program.
Cautions/Best Practices Remember to Plug-in the receiver to USB socket on computer BEFORE launching Turning Point software. Always start by resetting presentation. The polling questions should be on a specific learning objective or concept. Consider using polls as an ice breaker or to generate discussion. Keep text on slides short and the number of answer options to five or fewer. Remember to Plug-in receiver to USB socket on computer first. Always start by resetting presentation. The polling questions should be on a specific learning objective or concept. Keep text on slides short and the number of answer options to five or fewer. Keep voting straightforward. Increase responsiveness by using a countdown to close polling.
For Assistance To get a copy of the software for your home or office machine – S:\Instructional Technology\Installers\Turning Point v5.2.1\PC Install Version To request help to draft polling slides contact