Climate Change and Official Statistics Dennis Trewin
Background Climate Change is one of the most important global policy issues of the day It is international – countries are impacted by the activities of other countries Statistical Community presently engages in the issues of climate change in an ad hoc manner Oslo Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics (April 2008) to discuss what might be done Key output is a draft agenda for action To be further discussed at UNSC 2009
Aspects of Climate Change Analysis Huge demand for improved statistics to better understand - driving forces (eg economic growth, population projections) - pressures (eg greenhouse gas emissions) - impacts and vulnerability - effectiveness and consequences of mitigation and adaptation strategies
The global nature of the policy challenge suggests that we should collect data across all countries
Recommendations for a Draft Agenda for Action Mainstream and integrate the environment and climate change dimensions in official statistics and strengthening countries capabilities to produce high quality statistics Improve the availability, quality and timeliness of greenhouse gas emission estimates through the provision of high quality official statistics for the calculations and strengthening the role of official statistics in the production of emission inventories
Recommendations (continued) Support the analysis of the impacts of climate change, vulnerability and adaptation by the exchange and discussion of good practices Support the monitoring of emission trading schemes and other emission measures by the advanced analysis of existing tools and by developing new statistics Develop further and implement the System of Integrated Environmental-Economic Accounting
Recommendations (continued) Improve and promote the use of Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Data Infrastructure for Spatial Analysis Improve indicators at the national level for advocacy to convey messages Promote and improve the use of official statistics for scenario development and modelling Establish an enabling structure for the governance of the agenda on climate change and official statistics
Discussion Points What are the most important statistics to support climate change analysis for countries? Are there any comments on the draft agenda for action?