Ivo Havinga United Nations Statistics Division Overview of Programme of Working Group on Data Template and Analytical Indicators Ivo Havinga United Nations Statistics Division
Main objectives Determine data and meta data structure Review supporting statistical methodology Explore feasibility of national central data hubs Apply strategic approach with diagnostic tool
Data template of High Frequency Indicators (HFI) Purpose Economic monitor for macroeconomic surveillance Early warning signals and business cycle monitoring SNA compliant and compliant with other internationally accepted standards: BPM, prices, business statistics, etc.
Data template of HFI Scope 12 categories (national accounts, production, prices, markets (labor, real estate and financial markets) and sectors (government, financial, non-financial, household and external sector) Periodicity and timeliness (monthly and quarterly)
Data template of HFI Macro structure for 12 categories: Tier 1 (internationally accepted core set) Tier 2 and 3: strategic indicators (sectoral accounts and “new” indicators but less available) and country specific indicators Adaptable to specific sectoral policy needs: agriculture and rural development and industrial sector indicators Flexible for alternative groupings for policy purpose (e.g. housing sector, financial sector, household consumption, etc.)
Meta data structure Standard harmonized structure Short description (basic information for statistical indicator – at international level) Detailed description (SDMX format with structured methodological description –propose limited “chapters” at country level)
Supporting internationally accepted statistical standards and country practices UN Knowledge Base on Economic Statistics established Single entry point (23 statistical (sub) domains, interactive search Active country support in country practices Structure based on International Classification of Economic Activities Methodological gaps identified related to Data template for HFI (e.g. new order index, production index for construction)
National centralized data hubs Single access point in countries: standard internationally accepted data and meta data dissemination template of HFI (“Economic Monitor”) tool for improved accessibility of data tool for harmonization and improved comparability of statistics and indicators tool for standardization of data transmission
Strategic approach Approach integration of economic statistics SNA as comprehensive framework statistical production process covering institutional arrangements and management culture, registers and frames, sources (surveys and use of administrative data), integration and communication and dissemination Assessment through diagnostic tool and monitoring and reporting using international classification of statistical activities
Strategic approach Assessment, vision and implementation including monitoring and reporting using international classification of statistical activities diagnostic tool to review integrated data collection diagnostic tool to review integrated dissemination of national accounts and component data at annual and agreed infra annual periodicity and timeliness
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